[@FamishedPants] Has the name of a character already in the RP, gold instrument's primary gimmick is just there to trigger the silver genre, misleading picture, [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1190691865641627749/1195418864524198008/2865348349-preview-ade3c-2232359592.png?ex=65b3eb93&is=65a17693&hm=efb15fa293dff4d41f3209dcdd41e4db72140d34b2d9ed3d85f442d5c9224e79&]not to mention better alternatives exist...[/url] But you know what? This is one of those cases where somehow, despite everything, it's so bad it just kind of wraps around and becomes good again! Hot blooded anime protagonist #230613648 gets a pass from Majoraa and I. Though you might want to workshop your PR a bit more. Your PR special can do something a little extra since it's silver. Then again, it's just the PR. Gunna see about getting the first post up next weekend. There's still time to make a character if anyone else wishes to join, but it's high time this bird spread it's wings.