[center][h2]Tachibana Masaru[/h2][h3]Branch-092 — Training Facility[/h3][/center] As he was about to resume his training from wherever he had left off on the list, Masaru heard a voice calling out from behind him. Opting not to immediately set everything up, the young man turned around to face the person who had done so, only to find himself face-to-face with Zhao, who, as far as he knew, wasn't exactly on the straight and narrow. Didn't make him any worse of a training partner, though. While first impressions hadn't done much for his image, having someone else to hunt in the training room with at least spiced things up a little. Never mind that it meant that he could try his hand against some of the bigger game, of course; that was just a bonus. "Morning," Masaru responded, raising one hand in a casual gesture of acknowledgement. "And, uh... Yeah. Doesn't really feel like training to me, if I'm being honest. If you want to tag along, though, then by all means. Hope you don't mind Anomaly simulations; it's more or less the only thing I do." With a partner at the ready, though, the young man began to look around for something more fitting for a pair of Agents to take on rather than the ones being suggested for solo training before ultimately deciding to leave it to chance. Hopefully the "Random" option wouldn't throw something too far out of their depth at them; on the off-chance that they [i]did/[i] actually need to get pulled for a mission, leaving one of them too banged up from training wouldn't be a [i]great[/i] look. "Should be everything set up. I'll head on in first," he said as he left the older man to enter the training area proper. Unsheathing his bow and readying an arrow for whenever the green light to start was given, Masaru took a deep breath and assumed a simple combat stance. A small smirk could be seen on his face as the room around him began to shift to fit the new landscape, but without the enemy coming into the picture yet, well... There was really nothing left to do but wait and see. [@Psyker Landshark]