[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjgwLjgwMzI0Ny5SWFJvYjNNLjA/rothenburg-decorative.regular.webp[/img][/center] [hr] Quinn listened intently. It may have looked like she was being ambivalent to those around her, and truth be told she couldn't care less about them, but she was still hearing them. After all, she would be working with them, much to her disappointment. She knew the preventions set up for her to protect the others. It wasn't like she hadn't been controlled before. As the others continued, a bright pink spark barged in. Another recruit it seemed. Quinn fought off the urge to vomit. Could these idiots be more predictable? A "couldn't care less about the rules so let me show up late and have an attitude" type. If this were a movie her character would be ridiculed for hitting every teenage rebellion trope known to man. Quinn rolled her eyes behind her mask at everyone introducing themselves. What was this? Kindergarten? [color=803247]"Ethos. Move along though. We aren't here to hold hands and sing kumbaya together. We're here to get shit done."[/color] Quinn returned to her resting state as the others continued anyway. The pink blur, Shattercrash, then asked about their powers. What the hell was this? And people blindly answered? They were going to get themselves killed by being so open with each other. They weren't friends. This wouldn't be some teenage drama story where the unlikely so-and-sos learned to respect each other. If any of these people died, Quinn would not bat an eye. Quinn gave an exasperated sigh as it was her turn. [color=803247]"My powers? Fine. I can make a nice old grandma stab her grandchildren 20 times each. I can make a warlord in a foreign country give all his belongings to the poor. I can make a narcissistic bastard who beats his wife run and play in traffic. All with a simple touch and a command."[/color] Quinn looked over at one of the guys. Richter she thought his name was. [color=a36209]"I shouldn't get close enough for you to touch me, but other than that you're just a normal person - pepper spray you, throw a knife, anything to keep distance and keep others away from you. Definite Striker vibes, maybe Master or Trump ratings too?"[/color] Quinn started laughing. Not like a little giggle, a full on guffaw as she held her stomach. Once done, she wiped a fake tear. [color=803247]"I dare you to fucking try me."[/color] Quinn spun on her heel and took her seat. [color=803247]"Are we done with the fucking icebreakers yet and can we move on to what we are called here to do? The room is beginning to stink with all the bullshit being thrown around."[/color]