[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1178143726732845146/1178143739928129616/image.png?ex=6590c25c&is=657e4d5c&hm=3e02fa9fe6204ce24ec19d0ee8bdf0f82bb538c6d330c92403774e99e03d3b80&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=719&height=303[/img][/center] Evie might’ve been brash from the moment she walked in, but she didn’t ask questions just to hear herself talk. She genuinely wanted to know what her new teammates’ powers were. It helped to know how they’d be approaching their problems from here on. As far as Evie could tell, none of them were tinkers. Tandem made clones and had a pocket dimension. Useful for a numbers advantage or stashing emergency supplies. Most of these jokers didn’t seem to have pockets on their gear. Meanwhile, Evie’s armor was essentially an upgrade to her vigilante costume the whole city recognized; Perks of being a pre-established cape included having your identity immune to being fucked with. Even now, she had a few minor medical supplies in her pockets out of habit. Maybe Tandem had more, or would start packing them around once shit hit the fan a few times. The chick in the dress was a master. [i]Great.[/i] Her power was a textbook image of one, no less. She could just mind control people with a single command, and do so even more if they trusted her. That wouldn’t be too big of an issue, seeing as Evie wasn’t inclined to trust any of these people until she saw their true colors, who they really were when their lives were on the line. And as rude as she was, Evie expected no less from them, since that was how their lives were lived now. They stepped into [i]her[/i] shoes, and Evie believed in fair game at the very least. So with that in mind, Evie took the earpiece offered. [color=ff00c2]”Loud and clear,”[/color] She said, with no amusement. Decree and Tandem could at least speak their minds, but the next guy… Evie didn’t think he’d last a week. Munnin, the big ass bird-looking motherfucker, was a changer and not a case like Nightstalker. Wings, sound-muffling feathers, good strength and intense senses. Night vision and better hearing, which was probably why he jumped so much when Evie walked in. Evie didn’t understand that look her gave her. She didn’t have a PhD in Changerology, so whatever those giant puppybird eyes were trying to convey was lost on her. The snarky little shit named Keystone didn’t waste any time. He pointed out flaws and weaknesses. Little did he know that the password digits he named had been changed 20 minutes before he walked through the door, as it does at random (thanks to his existence). He immediately started calling out weaknesses of his teammates, which Evie almost laughed at. The nerve on this kid made her feel like there was a bit of hope after all. He definitely seemed to piss of the Ethos girl, who had some other mind-scrambling power. Some sort of impulse thing, maybe? She wasn’t very specific, despite the graphic details she used. Evie shrugged it off, having heard worse a time or two. Her attitude was funny, though. [color=ff00c2]”Yes ma’am,”[/color] Shattercrash made a mocking, sarcastic salute in Ethos’ direction, clearly unbothered by anything she just said about dropping the icebreakers. At least, until she made her point more clear. [color=ff00c2]”You wanna wind up dead in a ditch somewhere, because you didn’t know what your so-called teammates could do? Be my guest, princess. I’ve been doing this shit a hell of a lot longer than most of you, so pardon me for getting down business.”[/color] Ethos may not have been here to play games, but neither was Shattercrash. Hornet had an interesting power. Teleporting specifically to people, and then getting a power up to blitz them. It sounded like she was good for ambushes. But Richter’s power was just plain weird. He had something that looked like a striker power, which vaporized the coin in his hands. And he couldn’t shut it off, which was definitely a problem. Useful if they needed to get past something, but a problem regardless. And the Wattson girl wasn’t offering shit, so that left Shattercrash to take a turn. [color=ff00c2]”Cool, not bad. My turn. The name’s Shattercrash, if anyone didn’t know. I do this-“[/color] She reached up and pointed a finger at an empty wall. Nightstalker got visibly nervous and bounced out of the way as her hand began to glow with a violet-pink energy. She curled her middle finger and flicked it forward, causing a burst of the vibrant energy to fire off like a bullet, and hit flat against the wall. Keystone was correct, the wall material did one hell of a job in absorbing impacts, as they all felt in through their feet. No one was hurt, but it was still a somewhat unwise display. [color=ff00c2]”If that wall was a person, they’d be flat on the ground and too dizzy to stand.”[/color] Her other hand balled into a fist, and lit up like a pink fireball. [color=ff00c2]”See this? Pure kinetic energy stored up by my power. Don’t ask me why it glows like this, it just does. I hit things, and I hit them [i]hard.[/i] I could kick open a steel vault, launch high enough to swat a helicopter out of the sky, or punch someone from about 30 feet away.”[/color] Someone’s phone started ringing. Grandmaster’s. He pulled it out, and put it to his head. [color=9F7F39]”Foster.”[/color] There is indication of what is being said on the other end of the line, but he is presumably speaking to the director. [color=9F7F39]”I’m on my way.”[/color] He quickly slid the phone away, and Axiom shot him a look. [color=6655ff]”I can take over.”[/color] Grandmaster nodded, and walked past everyone. Anyone paying attention might have realized that he didn’t make any noise when he walked across the floor. Once he was gone, Axiom got everyone’s attention. [color=6655ff]”Okay. So, the PRT’s been training you guys for a while now. You know the protocols, the procedures and everything else. Tomorrow you’ll start patrols on a regular basis with us. Later today, you’ll receive a schedule that outlined who you meet with, and where you’re headed.”[/color] [color=6655ff]”They should’ve already told you this, but you’re not going to be in active fights against villains [i]too[/i] often. Usually, it’ll be us doing that. Or if you [i]are[/i] deployed to a direct engagement, we’ll be there as backup.”[/color] [color=6655ff]”Any questions?”[/color]