[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XiUHyUc.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/K7gWNb1.png[/img][/center] [right][code]Boundless Dreams, Downtown St Portwell[/code][/right][hr] Anya woke up a bit later than normal, at just past 10am. Her business, which she lived on the second floor of, was closed for the day. She’d had more than enough clients yesterday to fill up her nights for the rest of the week, leaving her with the freedom to close the shop as she pleased. It meant she could attend the Sycamore Tree Coven meeting today, after missing the first one. Of course, Anya wasn’t going into this meeting completely blind. She’d texted with Sloane the night before, getting filled in with most of the details, and then had visited Auri’s dreams. What she’d managed to scry from them was enough to fill her in. It was best to be prepared for these things. It also made it clear that most of the group hadn’t changed. If anything, they’d somehow gotten worse. It seemed rather pointless to get everyone back together when they could hardly control themselves. There were very few that Anya had any faith in. It was a shame that some of their… better members had already been victims of Father Wolf. Brushing aside her concerns, Anya concentrated on getting ready for the meeting. She perused her large collection of clothing, carefully considering what to wear. She couldn’t go for anything too bold when they were being killed, but too plain would make her appear vulnerable. The weather should be taken into account too, along with practicality if things turned out like they had the day before. That meant that most of her dresses weren’t an option. She also had to make an impression. After all, it had been ten years. Finally, she settled on a stone grey turtleneck and fitted, black slacks. Her makeup was kept relatively simple, outside of dark red lipstick, and her long hair was tied back in a high ponytail. She finished the look with a pair of high heeled, black boots and a dark grey, long wool jacket. On her way out, she put a few small crystals infused with her dream locator spell into her bag. If there was a chance, she would slip them onto some of the coven members whose dreams had been a bit more infrequent recently. Just a precaution, to make sure everything went smoothly. [hr][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Sloane [@Atrophy], Auri [@Punished GN] [code]Tranquil Haven Park[/code][/right][hr] A park wouldn't have been Anya's choice of meeting place in late October, but at least today seemed to be slightly milder weather wise. By the time she arrived, most people were already there. She'd timed it that way - there was no point wasting her own time by arriving early and having to endure small talk. There were very few here she was interested in catching up with. Anya surveyed everyone who'd turned up, hints of judgement hidden behind her cool gaze, before walking over to Sloane and settling beside her. Her gaze immediately moved to Sloane's nose... And the obvious damage to it. [color=9966CC]"You look awful,"[/color] Anya didn't mince her words. Sloane knew her well enough to read between the lines and see her concern, only visible to those who knew where to look. [color=9966CC]"When you said Drake hit you I didn't expect it to be this bad. I suppose I should have... Ah, but don't worry, his dreams weren't particularly pleasant last night."[/color] She lowered her voice so only Sloane and anyone right next to them could hear. "It's a shame I couldn't be there yesterday. Between us we could have sorted out this rabble much more efficiently than Auri." She'd seen just how yesterday had turned out from visiting select dreams, and Sloane's texts about what had happened at Dairy Queen. It was about what she'd expected - complete and utter chaos. Red lips pursed together, Anya turned to watch Auri as she started the meeting. The new leads could be interesting, if they actually went anywhere… and Anya wasn’t sure how much she trusted Auri for that. And she didn't particularly care for those that had died. Simone was useless, Eksa a coward, and Finn an abomination. They wouldn't be particularly missed, beyond the family knowledge Simone had never passed on beyond the dreams Anya occasionally visited. Of course, she was smart enough not to vocalise these thoughts in front of the group. [color=9966CC]”It’s a shame that we already lost three more of our comrades,”[/color] Anya said diplomatically, lips curving into a mournful smile that looked like she was truly saddened. [color=9966CC]”But it does highlight some… issues. We came back together to solve this problem, yet three are dead after the very first meeting. Hardly protecting us from the threat. If anything, we’ve made it easier for Father Wolf.”[/color] She paused, letting her words sink in for the group, before directing her words at Auri specifically. [color=9966CC]”As our new leader, how are you proposing we stay alive? Do you have any plans, or only leads?”[/color] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QIUSezo.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ycOCuCr.png[/img][/center] [right][b]Interactions:[/b] Auri [@Punished GN] [code]Tranquil Haven Park[/code][/right][hr] Luca didn't like visiting parks. He visibly winced as the grass wilted underneath his feet with every step he took, a trail of light yellow following behind him. He walked as quickly as he could to the gazebo, stepping in and finding a spot distanced enough from anyone else so they wouldn't get hurt. Luca had been unsure about whether to turn up today or not. After yesterday he was exhausted, and the aching of his broken wrist added on to the difficulties he was already dealing with. He’d struggled to fall asleep thanks to it last night, and woken feeling the opposite of rested. This morning he’d just about managed to drag himself out of bed… But he wasn’t sure how long he’d last. Hopefully today’s meeting would be more reasonable. No one would pull a gun out, and no one would get punched. Then it’d be pretty great! And Auri had even brought snacks this time… Not that Luca was going to eat the snacks, because there was the risk of him damaging them to the point no one else could. But still, snacks! [quote=Auri]"... Yesterday, Eksa Thresh, Simone Le Lay, and Finn Reid were found murdered. All of them stabbed to death..."[/quote] Luca’s positive thoughts ground to a halt. Three people, dead, just like that? Just yesterday, they’d been alive. Simone had come to Dairy Queen with them! How did it happen? Was it Father Wolf? Why them? Luca felt sick. A wave of dizziness caught him and he leaned back on the railing behind him, squeezing his eyes shut. He knew someone was hunting them, that people had already died, but this just made it more [i]real[/i]. They really were being hunted down and killed. He wasn’t worried about losing his own life - he didn’t have too long left, anyway. But watching as everyone else died one by one? That was like a nightmare. [color=6B8E23]”When did they die?”[/color] Luca asked, opening his eyes and squinting at Auri. His voice trembled slightly. [color=6B8E23]”Was… was it Father Wolf, like the others?”[/color]