[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zVLsAqz.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231206/0f6847ce5955ebb191ba3f7d6c856441.png[/img][/center] Danny facepalmed and sighed. The moment Danny got done talking to the guy he fell. Caty saved his life just in the nick of time, but now this guy probably thought he was a jinx or something. Anyway, Danny went to join his sister, and the various other spider people that had shown up to the scene. It was decided that we needed to get the staff away from it. Which… fair. The creature already had a size advantage, did it really need a weapon too? The other spiders went at it from all different angles. Danny hit it head. [color=pink]“Hey, Spider-Monkey! That bus you took earlier, yeah that wasn’t a banana. I’mma need you to back off, k?”[/color] He spun a pink web, and used his ability to control webbing to shape it into a pink fist to punch it in the face. [color=pink]“I’m sure we can find a better place for you.”[/color]