Fanilly was speechless. Meeting heroes from two-hundred years ago was one thing. It certainly wasn't a particularly normal thing, but nothing here was normal. Even if she'd struggled with it at first, ultimately her mind had been able to adjust somewhat after meeting Sir Cyrus. However, the sight of a card game between the legendary knights who were the first of the order, the fact that some of her own knights had joined them, the fact that one of them was Sir Edwin and yet now he sat among his fellows once again... It was a little much for the Knight-Captain, to put it simply. She hadn't actually managed to speak since she entered the room, despite the fact that it certainly was a situation where she should have tried. "I..." She trailed off for a few moments. "I-I'm not familiar with this game, so I'll just watch..." It was all she could manage in the face of such a surreal situation. [@Raineh Daze][@Psyker Landshark][@HereComesTheSnow][@Octo]