[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5495510][img]https://i.imgur.com/D86BBw8.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Branch-092 Facility - Containment Wing--[/h3][/center] [b]"...-key~"[/b] A voice, speaking something into her ears, but it didn't sound like sis... must be one of her other family members then, Tera's half-asleep mind couldn't help but wonder who it is? [b]"C'mon, wakey wakey, sleepyhead, we have a job to do!"[/b] [color=26ffea][b]"Mmmngh...~"[/b][/color] The young girl stirred at the rather insistent voice, followed by locks of green hair moving like prehensile limbs to slowly rub her eyes while her arms remained as they were, clutching the steak-shaped pillow. Then, in a show of owl-like flexibility, the petite girl turned her head almost 180 degrees to the back, facing the one who awakened her without as much as moving the rest of her body, [color=26ffea][b]"Oh... it's Kawahara, mmm...~ did Kawahara say something about a job?"[/b][/color] Due to the combination of experience and having prior knowledge that the "young girl" she was talking to was actually an eldritch entity summoned from a lovecraftian realm, Agent Kawahara - the one assigned to 'fetch' A-188 for the mission ahead - didn't break her composure, nor so much as flinch, keeping up the motherly persona with deft efficiency, [b]"Yep! There's a bad, baaaad monster running around in a mansion, it has killed three good people so far, and we need to stop this naughty thing from killing even more!"[/b] The female agent explained, practically relaying the important points of the briefing to the Anomaly, [b]"So, can you help us, Tera~? Pleaaaase~"[/b] [color=26ffea][b]"Ooooh~"[/b][/color] Upon hearing what basically amounted to an assignment disguised as a request, Tera's face lit up as she fully woke up, her body contorting unnaturally for a brief moment as she came to a standing position beside the bed, [color=26ffea][b]"Un, un! Of course Tera will help! Bad monsters need to be punished by good people after all, and Tera is a good girl!"[/b][/color] The green-haired girl puffed up her chest as she huffed proudly. [b]"Hehehe~ that you are, Tera~"[/b] The tangerine-haired agent giggled as she began stroking Tera's head, [i]Her "hair" does really feel like... hair, even though I know it isn't, heh, the lovecraftian doppelganger, huh?[/i] She retracted her hand after a moment, nodding gingerly, [b]"C'mon, let's go!"[/b] [color=26ffea][b]"Okaaay~"[/b][/color] Like the good girl she was, Tera made no protest as she began skipping after Agent Kawahara. .......... ..... ... [center][h3]--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--[/h3][/center] The sun was already in the process of abdicating its reign to the moon by the time the group of agents arrived at the designated mission location, an abandoned traditional-style mansion once owned by Takemura Genjiro. There were ten of them; two assigned on perimeter overwatch while the rest would enter the mansion, Anomaly-188 was among the latter. [color=26ffea][b]"Mmm...~"[/b][/color] After she hopped out of Agent Yakumo's portal, the Fleshweaver took a moment to examine the group that'd catch the bad monster together, [color=26ffea][b]"Kuwahara, Otsuka, Sakura, Arisa, Numako & Inky Eel, Masaru, Yuuma, Jinhai, Mae, and Tera herself, of course! Ehehehe~"[/b][/color] The heterochromatic girl nodded, mostly to herself, seemingly satisfied at the impromptu roll call she just did. [color=26ffea][b]"Okay, Kawahara, Otsuka, see you later~"[/b][/color] Tera grinned with a few waves of her hand at the two agents stationed for reserve, then she faced the rest of the 'good people' with a wide nonchalant grin, [color=26ffea][b]"Let's go, friends!"[/b][/color] Without further ado, the second-shortest - poor Sakura... - agent in the group proceeded to skip forward, and whether deliberately or not, positioned herself at the frontmost of the party, acting as vanguard. In hindsight, knowing what the unidentified Anomaly had already done to its victims, it would be best for the Fleshweaver - with her almost complete lack of vital spots and healing factor - to endure the first blow, unless of course, there was someone else here capable of functioning without a brain or a heart. [@VitaVitaAR] [@Raineh Daze] [@PKMNB0Y] [@Psyker Landshark] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Eisenhorn] [@OwO]