Numako Yamamizu Branch-092 - Offices [@Raineh Daze] [hr] "...well don't blame meeee." Numako responded evasively. "They bring me coffee all the time..." She had cleaned up herself rather easily. Wasn't too hard to just make a ball of water, soak up the coffee and pull it off herself without leaving a trace of it behind. "...but I guess if someone did get burned, that's what the medical facilities are for, right? So it'll be fiiiine." And that was the crux of Numako's problem, really - the sheer nonchalance that she treated pretty much everything with. "Mhm, I'm gonna go find somewhere quiet to-ah." Before she could flee the scene, it seemed as though duty called. The intercom turning on and asking for her presence in the briefing room. " don't think I could get away with not going, huh?" She'd huff lightly, asking the spirit that was still here who'd only give a ghostly groan in response. "Thought not..." Making her way to the briefing room wasn't all that hard, though she made sure to find some quiet place on the outskirts of the room. She was one of the last few in, it seemed like judging from everyone else in the room. As Director Murata started speaking, Numako turned her attention to the hologram and the consoles provided for them. A mansion, huh...the summary given was fairly standard and easily understandable and didn't put her to sleep at least, so she managed to pay attention to most of it. "Waltzing in the front door, huh...making it hard to slack off ya knoooow." Numako quietly complained, hearing her assignment proper. This was sounding more and more like a hassle the more she heard. "Well, if nothing else walking into the front door of some spooky place is how you get the ghosties attention, from personal experience. Maybe we won't have to look hard for it..." [hr] Abandoned Mansion Numako, stepped out of the portal and stretched. Ugh, being outside always made her feel weird. Maybe it was a result of the possession, some influence from it bleeding over, but she always felt weird out in the daytime. Thankfully at least, it was quickly becoming night. Maybe they'd actually see something spooky, tonight. Something that could make her skin crawl would be hard to do if nothing else, and she kind of missed the feeling of it... "Looks like a good place to have a test of courage to me, heh." Numako chuckled, flashing a small smile towards Murakami as she finished berating Kawahara. "And heeey, someone's got to be the eager one in the party. Might as well not be you." A brief turn of her head towards Kawahara. "They're always one of the ones that end up dying first in these kind of things, ya know? Lets see..." Following Tera, Numako would position herself a bit at the end of the group, towards the rear, but not quite all the way in the end. Far enough away from the front, but not close enough near the back to get snatched in case something started picking them off from behind.