[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FcbtMmB.png[/img][h1]Auri Auclair.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Anya and Luca ([@FernStone]), Jack ([@Blizz]), and Sloane ([@Atrophy])[/right][right][b][code]Tranquil Haven Park.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] It wasn't long until after the announcement that Auri was barraged with different questions. Auri was still forcing her chipper demeanor only because if she didn't, she would be downing that bottle of wine she had stashed at the bottom of her counter. She leaned against the railing of a gazebo with the Butterfly Staff right next to her. So, she addressed things to the best of her ability... [quote=Anya][color=9966CC]”As our new leader, how are you proposing we stay alive? Do you have any plans or only leads?”[/color] [/quote] Auri was silent for a few moments before she calmly answered, "Like what Layla suggested, a buddy system-" [i]Not like any of you will follow it anyway.[/i] "-seems to be the best action. Nobody goes [i]anywhere[/i] alone, as it seems only those alone are targeted." [quote=Luca][color=6B8E23]”When did they die? ”Was… was it Father Wolf, like the others?”[/color] [/quote] "The Police say they died within [i]hours[/i] of going to our meeting... and I am not sure if it was Father Wolf, but it's likely." [quote=Jack][color=6644ff]"Do we have any valid, [i]legitimate[/i] leads to find our murderer? Or do we know anyone who could point us in a meaningful direction?”[/color][/quote] [quote=Sloane][color=silver]“Come on, [i]leader[/i], keep this meeting on track. I take it we’re done chasing around strippers and bikers, yes? What are your leads?”[/color][/quote] Auri was silent momentarily, resisting the urge to glance at Layla and Void Heart... who was not even being [i]subtle[/i] about moving on to the next poor innocent girl to manipulate. [i]You'll be rid of that monster soon enough.[/i] Auri mused to herself as she remained silent. "... The leads involve our deceased members, Kari Wilson, and Lionel Hunter - but there are some matters I need to settle before we go there [i]as a group.[/i] Mainly, getting us to our home base to establish where we will meet from here on that I don't mind you all destroying!" There was that urge to add on: [i]Because some people ran off on their own, caused problems, and got themselves killed.[/i] But the goal was not to upset the Void Heart at the very least... unlike Sloane, she refused even to address Layla or the Void Heart. She knew that the Void Heart wasn't all that smart, but smart enough to pick up on her words and quietly plot against her. She just needed to be the one who outmaneuvers him. However, another guest had appeared... walking up with a hoodie over her head; it was none other than Adora. Auri recognized her height, body shape, everything! "Why hello there, Adora, welcome to our..." Then Adora beelined for Sloane. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6D400qM.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6LA4nR.png[/img] [/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Sloane's Pancake Ass ([@Atrophy]).[/right][right][b][code]Tranquil Haven Park.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [color=fd8a6c]"Okay... game day."[/color] Adora muttered to herself as she faced the gazebo... she could recognize some faces from here, but she wondered if anyone would recognize her. She stood there... and if anyone noticed someone standing there with their hands in their hoodie and hood up, they would probably find the sight to be [i]very strange[/i]. However, Adora was, internally, working up the courage to come here. In her head, she always just told herself she would find the strength to do it, but now that she's here, it's another discussion. Looking at them from a distance just [i]reminded[/i] her of bad times. Adora forced herself forward, one awkward ass step at a time, until she managed to walk up the stairs to the gazebo. She stood there, looked to the left and the right... and then her eyes landed on a [i]special[/i] somebody. [i]Sloane.[/i] That anxiety was quietly replaced with rage upon seeing Sloane's very punchable face. She turned her nose upwards and twisted her lips up... before she walked over to Sloane and put a firm hand on her shoulder, ignoring [i]everyone[/i] as they did not simply exist to Adora. There was only one thing on Adora's mind at this very moment. [color=fd8a6c]"Now that you can't hide behind your phone anymore..."[/color] Adora trailed off before she put her hand out. [color=fd8a6c]"My grandfather's rings, cough 'im up. I don't care if we gotta ride to your place; my car's [i]right here.[/i]"[/color] She narrowed her eyes at Sloane.