Yūma was about to reply and leave the decision up to Agent Murakami when, abruptly, AMATERASU made the call alongside his duty phone buzzing in his pocket. Well that was a relief, at least he wasn't going to be bored to tears today, and he fell in behind Murakami as the duo began heading to report for whatever operation had reared its head. Following along as he did, it didn't take long to reach the briefing room and find Director Murata and a projected AMATERASU. He always found some amusement in the naming of the branch AI. With all the supernatural and anomalous activity in the world, naming a branch AI as such felt a bit on the nose. But who was he to judge, given his occupation? Getting comfortable in one of the seats, with a good angle on both the main screen and personal terminal. The gathered agents were a varied bunch, certainly, keeping a loose eye on them as they trickled in before the briefing began in proper. The story told was, as much as Yūma was loath to admit, not an uncommon one at first. Some ghost seeker looking to snag some pictures falling to their death in a dilapidated building. On its own, nothing suspicious, so it didn't surprise him that it had been ruled an accident despite the obvious that they wouldn't be briefing if it was just a mundane accident. What ruined that was the rather brutish deaths of Victims B and C. B had his head mulched, probably in one heavy blow. If it wasn't for C's clean, edged weapon injury, Yūma might have suspected some sort of brute force anomaly. Given the mixed damage, Yūma was thinking either a possessed victim, something akin to A-231 during a possession event, or some sort of anomalous weapon. After a few more moments of observation the image cut back to the overview of the ruined manor and marching orders were given. Putting agents on perimeter duty seemed odd, at least to Yūma, was there no AERT assets available to perform that kind of first response? Perhaps they had already arrived and done the initial securing and calling in of Sefirot, and the Agents would take over. He knew Kawahara would be unhappy with being relegated to standing by and keeping anyone nosy from poking around. Hell, he knew that feeling all too well, reminded of many a day standing guard while agents moved in to secure or eliminate an anomaly. He could at least sympathize there, though her partner seemed to be far less concerned with the relegation to guard duty. Odd pairing, that, but who was he to judge? He was with Murakami and Yamamizu on the front door. Murakami was a better known quality, and Yamamizu less so, but no one made it to their level without being able to back it up. Made sense to him to be tasked to the front door, given his nature, so he had no complaints there. Besides the question on why so many agents, Yūma had nothing to add. They would skip the trip there with some magic portals, and just like that it would be time to engage. Anomaly support would be with them as well, which would probably help. A-188, the shapeshifting sentient meat, useful since the lack of obvious organs would make a sudden, incapacitating blow ineffective. Still felt odd working with an anomaly, even now, but he wouldn't go complaining about the extra muscle. Once dismissed, Yūma would depart to suit up and get ready for an investigation and elimination of the anomaly. [hr] The time spent getting A-188 ready was not wasted, not by Yūma at least. Suiting up in his patrol attire, the lack of information and need to investigate causing him to decide against the heavy duty AERT response gear he had brought with him to Sefirot, he had decided that there was no need to augment his usual equipment with any additions from the armory. Keep it light and familiar, and he wouldn't have to worry about juggling excess that might get him in a bind. He would still end up spending time waiting for everyone to be prepared, feeling that creeping, familiar sensation of impatience whenever he knew he was about to go into a dangerous situation and finally get to live a little. Soon enough though, they utilized Agent Yakumo's gates to arrive on the scene. Night was falling, and Yūma produced a heavy, sturdy flashlight from his belt, double checking the batteries. It was a powerful light, and more importantly, heavy and well built enough to use as a bludgeon in a pinch. He drew his sidearm, chambering a round and ensuring the safety was on for the moment. Compared to all the spiritual, magical powers and anomalous properties, a service pistol was hardly the most awe inspiring sight. That being said, it was remarkable how many things didn't take well to being shot, even anomalies were rarely completely bullet proof. Bullet resistant, sure, but it would suffice for now. Kawahara's complaining and the rebuttal from both Otsuka and Murakami got a snort out of Yūma, holstering his pistol and giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder as he passed. [color=lightblue]"We've all been on guard duty before, you'll be part of an entry team before you know it. Keep a sharp eye out for us, never know when someone is going to be too nosy for their own good, yeah?"[/color] Yūma would give the two agents on guard duty a nod before positioning himself to provide support to the lead elements of the entry team. A-188 seemed determined to take point, and the former officer wouldn't argue with that. Odds are he would be supporting A-188 and Murakami as they took point, and he would be falling in the middle of the group, with Yamamizu bringing up the rear. He didn't need magic or anomalies to provide ranged support, after all, and that would make eventually swapping to his brass knuckles that much more fun when the time came. For now, he would be providing light with his flashlight, and once on the property he would draw his pistol once more, ready to act on a moment's notice, settling into a professional stance, keeping the pistol at a low ready. [color=lightblue]"Right, heads on swivels, let's get this mess sorted out before anyone else gets gutted."[/color]