[color=C13F1F][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/o8DgYOK.png[/img][h2]Mae Ah-ryeon[/h2][/center][/color] With the sudden call for her to assemble, Ah-ryeon couldn't help but have an unpleasant look on her face. It was part of her deal, but she still did not enjoy missions. She did not enjoy relying on other people, nor did she enjoy working with them. Still, it could have been worse. She could have been selected to train recruits. That would have been a nightmare. She listened to the briefing without much fuss. Her opinion of the situation was fairly uncaring. For a shaman, the supernatural was a regular occurrence. Though, being brutally murdered was quite rare. More often than not, it was just typical possessions, strange happenings, and overall bad luck. One would need a considerable amount of bad luck to be disembowelled or have their jaw torn off by accident. Though, such things were not rare around industrial factories. She didn't have many thoughts about the other agents roles. Of course, this was primarily because she didn't care much. Her role was focused on medical support. She'd only need to participate if things were getting dire. Ah-ryeon quite liked that role. The less she had to do, the better. Though, Ah-reyon's favourite agent had been assigned alongside her. Even if she didn't personally like Yakumo, her ability skipping having to sit in a car for hours gave a small amount of favour. A droplet of favour in an ocean of enmity. [hr] Even though she disliked her duties, she was still diligent in performing them. She had brought everything she thought she needed. Tools for her rituals, tools for her curses, her typical medical supplies, and even some talismans. It never hurt to be prepared and, even though she disliked putting in effort, still was professional enough to do what she considered the bare minimum. The mansion was exactly what she thought it would be. It was a place of evil. Which was unfortunate which meant that, in all likelihood, there was something inside. But of what was a mystery. The words given to explain imuldan, youkai, and yaoguai were often apocryphal explanations of actual supernatural events. It was difficult to predict what was inside. Still, she'd do her job. Briefly walking ahead of the other agents shortly after they arrived, she held her hand out and dangled a half-dozen small knotted string charms. All six had unique patterns and threads, yet were matched by an identical charm on Ah-ryeon's hip. As usual, they were meant to give the holder luck. However, they served an important purpose. If communications broke down, the identical charms that Ah-ryeon held would unwind to notify her how bad things truly were. [color=C13F1F]"Take a trinket before you go. Consider it a free service. And do try not to get vivisected by a gwisin. It requires considerable effort for me to save a life."[/color] She said in her usual brusk tone. She wouldn't enter the manor proper unless she was needed. Considering that they were breaching on opposite sides, it was easier for her to only enter if she was needed.