-Name: Mileficent Brokens -Age: 20 -Appearance: [url=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llb5ksCkwC1qk276vo1_400.jpg]She stands around 5'7", has pale white skin, and blue eyes.[/url] -Convenient previous occupation/hobby: Criminal -Starting equipment: [url=http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/knotwork_celtic_spring_assist_knife_purple_540.jpg]Purple and Black Switchblade[/url] and a [url=http://www.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/purple-ruger-SR22.jpg]Purple and Black gun[/url] -Bio: Mileficent wasn't exactly the most innocent person around. She had a record for BnE's, assaults, robbery/theiving, and a few other reletively minor crimes. While hiding from the police after a night of robbing people blind, she noticed that yes, there were a few zombied here and there, but she thought they'd soon just get killed off by the fuzz. Apparently not. After that night she had took refuge in one of her fellow criminal's apartment, the next morning her 'friend' was then infected and she fled. As things got progressively worse she kept getting by night after night by scavaging for whatever she could find (which was little because almost all of the survivors got to the uninfected houses before she did due to her lack of sleep), she overheard about the church that was a suitable safe haven, but knowing that a police man is the one who found it first, she's still iffy about approching. She currently is taking refuge in a junkyard.