[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231219/3895e67030d2eca73fb42731e8777ea7.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b]PRT Headquarters, 9:08 am June 19th, 2021[/b] Faith nodded in silent approval as Evie took the earpiece from her, and saw that Landon had also taken one, before watching him as he grew in size slightly again. She assumed it must be because he was about to speak again. She wasn't sure whether he'd have been this shy and anxious as a person before he changed into this bizarre form but it certinly wouldn't have helped. He gave a full explaination of his powers before retreating behind Faith. She turned to him and gave him a reassuring smile and thumbs up to wordlessly communicate 'good job' before the abrasive boy then gave the explaination of his power. After him, the girl in the black catsuit went next. Faith went cold listening to her. Was she describing her own power or Faith's? No, her power apparently worked by touch. So, she was another Master. And her tone was not one of somebody giving a warning. No, she was proud that she could do those things. Faith felt a little queasy as she listened to her. Somebody with the same power as her but none of the guilt disgusted Faith to the core. Was this person even a hero? Did she want to be? What was she here for? Was it no deeper than the same 'join or prison' choice Faith had been offered? Why had somebody like this even been given the choice!? Faith realised she wasn't the only reason for the earpieces. She wasn't even the [b]main[/b] reason. Ethan and Quinn had a little back and forth, followed by Evie also admonishing Quinn. Faith may have been too harsh on Shattercrash. She was full of herself and had a bad attitude but it was clear that she was taking this seriously and cared about being a good cape. Maybe the group needed people like Ethan and Shattercrash in it and greatly benefitted from their prescence. After all, they were the kind of people who could speak their mind and put somebody in check if they needed it. Faith was still trying to gague everybody and wanted to make as many friends and as few enemies, so was holding back many things she wanted to say. Ethan wasn't done and turned his attention to Landon before talking about the admin password and the walls. When she saw him raise the knife to his own throat, her face became one of surprised concern as she took at step forward and was about to yell 'wait!' before she caught herself. He wasn't going to hurt himself. As he carried on talking it was clear that was merely to make yet another point. Not everyone was wearing their earpieces yet. In fact most of them weren't. The last thing she wanted was to significantly delay today's plan because everybody was standing around waiting for no reason, knowing it was all Faith's fault. So, Ethan could never turn off his ability off. He also looked a lot happier and more relaxed getting all of that off his chest. He must be holding in a lot more than he said today, at all times. The girl in the the yellow bodysuit said a lot of the things that Faith wanted to see. [color=faca20]"I agree,"[/color] she added. [color=faca20]"You don't-I don't think you need to worry about letting it all out around us. Now we've heard how your power works, we'll understand."[/color] The girl who reassured Ethan then gave her power of teleportation, before the boy who had been dozing on the sofa decided to instead disintergrate a coin and told them absolutely nothing about how he just did that other than that it's based on proximity and he couldn't turn it off. Well, that wasn't terrifying at all. Faith made a mental note not to get too close to him. Finally Shattercrash gave her own power, which looked strong and certainly fit her cape name to a tee. Grandmaster then left the room to take a phonecall, leaving Axiom to brief them. So, they start patrols tomorrow, huh. So, today was more...orientation? Faith asked her own question after Ethan's. [color=faca20]"Yes, I have a question. Besides getting our schedules, what else should we do for the rest of today?"[/color]