[center][h1]Zhao Jinhai[/h1][/center] Jinhai didn't miss a beat as the statue frozen, channeling qi through the blade of his sword to empower his strike, and swung down with all his might... ...Just in time for the simulation to cancel. And for him to slam a sword into the floor at full force. Understandably, the upper fourth of the blade snapped in twain on impact. "Oh, crap. Second one this week." He murmured under his breath, retrieving the scabbard and awkwardly sheathing what remained of the blade within. Still, his chagrin at likely getting bitched out by the quartermaster didn't override the fact that there was finally an assignment again. Another chance to get out of this sterile hole for a while. And if he was lucky, maybe stop by a nice restaurant once the job was done. Hot pot'd be especially nice. Still, that was contingent on getting the job done in the first place. With a sigh, he strode off towards the briefing, broken blade and all. ___ Blah blah blah, deaths that he could've caused in an average day on the job, blah blah blah, accompany portal girl and the archer kid in breaching from the rear. Sure, whatever. He emerged from the portal all the same as the rest, taking the talisman from Ah-ryeon with a bemused smirk. "Not gonna turn it down, but I did prep my own." He fished a fulu out from his pocket, but did take the woman's offer, tucking both of them into his pants. "Probably not as good as yours, though. Never was much good at this part of the job." That said, he followed after Yakumo and Tachibana, nodding along to the former's brief rant. "Sheesh, aren't these all just slasher film setups? I could do the same shit the briefing told us on an average night in Pudong." He huffed, shaking his head. "Honestly, I'm hoping for the haunted spirit of some samurai from your Warring States period. There any battlefields from then nearby?" [@OwO] [@Raineh Daze]