While Arisa didn't have the deepest familiarity with mysticism outside of Western European magic and of course Japanese occultism, it didn't take exceptionally deep knowledge to understand what Agent Mae had given her, even without considering the fact that similar objects existed in Japanese mysticism as well. In fact, such things were common all over the world, though they took a variety of different forms. Charms designed to grant the wearer luck and protection against wickedness were not only a staple of worldwide mysticism for thousands of years, but also commonplace for Agents of Sefirot. With the presence of curses and other similar methods of attack, it only made sense to associate with the local shrines and utilize their services. "Thank you, Agent Mae," Arisa said with a nod. From what she knew of the Korean medical operative, this wasn't exactly out of the kindness of her heart, but it was still going to be useful against an unknown anomalous threat. After taking one of the charms, Arisa paused outside of the property. Supplying them with A-188 made sense. The kind of harm that was done to the victims of whatever lurked in this ruined mansion wasn't immediately threatening to the shapeshifter, and she was quite docile and easily-handled by Agents. While a part of Arisa wanted to forge ahead quickly as possible, she instead decided to take a position alongside the Anomaly rather then taking the lead. If something attacked the currently-childish-looking entity, she could respond quickly and counterattack herself, possibly before the enemy could understand their attack was ineffective and try again, or choose a different target. Just because A-188 could survive far more then a a human didn't mean Arisa was entirely comfortable with her soaking up every attack leveled at them. Only an idiot and a coward would operate in such a callous way. "Operation start," the redheaded mage said, glancing bac over her shoulder at the others. She only started at the waving Kawahara in exasperation for a moment before stepping onto the property proper. The gardens that had once surround the property were surely beautiful once, but were now wild and overgrown. The entrance was still somewhat intact, but beyond that the roof had largely collapsed in this part of the property, and large sections of the floor had rotted away. In some places, plants had grown up through it. Given that the rot was wet rather then dry, Arisa felt fairly comfortable using her spells here. Did she just hear something on the roof above---?! [@Rune_Alchemist][@Eisenhorn][@Izurich][@OwO][@Raineh Daze] [hr] The rear of the mansion was more intact. The roof hadn't collapsed as much, here, and thus it had somewhat protected the floors and walls below. While there were certain gaps in its structure, it was really only enough to let the dying light through, now. Old, damp floors creaked. Some crumbled slightly with the pressure of footsteps. But the rear team had yet to see anything unusual. If anything, aside from the unpleasant feeling the property itself radiated, there was nothing but an eerie stillness in the ruins. At least, that's how it was at first. Then there was a creak. Then another. They didn't come from the Agent's footsteps. No, these sounds came from deeper in the ruins. Of course, in a decrepit building such as this, it was hardly unexpected to hear such noises. And yet--- The figure lurched around the corner. There was a flash of steel, a blade attached to a long pole, thrusting for the nearest Agent immediately. It wasn't alone. The figures that swiftly emerged from ruined walls and from around corners were human in size and shape, clad in light, lacquered armor dating from hundreds of years ago. Beneath it was a shadowy mass, pitch black and possessing to red pinpoints roughly in the location of a human's eyes. They advanced swiftly, at least eight currently visible and wielding both yari and katana. But there was another, further back, already leveling an arquebus towards the agents and taking aim. [@Raineh Daze][@PKMNB0Y][@Psyker Landshark]