Kleo laid down on the ground where she was laid out by Alice, almost like a Kleo-like funeral except there weren't flowers or a tombstone for her just death and destruction kicking around. She laid there wheezing, part drop-ship and part Human as this funny-looking alien girl stood over her to help her achieve life rather than death. Why did aliens always have to save her, she was capable of saving herself. One could blame Alice for ODing her on that stim and causing her to charge all deadly like but assigning blame was useless when you were dead, so all Kleo could do was remain still all pretty like while a planet she never knew would be ravaged by a big fuck-off gun along with some kabooms. "Need... Cigarette, stat... Then, yum-chug rum.. mix it in the IV. Some blood.. would be hella cool too. O positive... chop chop." She said patting Alice's hand (or was it a paw, claw..? Mandible.) She didn't know.