[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5495510][img]https://i.imgur.com/D86BBw8.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--[/h3][/center] Regardless if it was a deliberate decision on her part or not, Mae was wise to not prepare an additional charm for Teratoma. If she had, all she'd be doing is wasting the artifact as even though the Anomaly would gladly accept such an object, it’d be nothing but guaranteed to be carelessly dropped upon the first hostile encounter. Thus, unburdened by any foreign objects - charms included - the green-haired "girl" continued skipping forward without a care, marching alongside Arisa at the vanguard of the four-man group, leaving Mae, Otsuka, and Kawahara on overwatch duty. [color=26ffea][b]"Hm~ hm~ hm~ Tera wonders how does the bad monster look like~?"[/b][/color] Speak of the devil and he'll come, or in this case, [i]devils[/i], as a troop of spectral ashigaru made themselves known, wielding teppou and yari both. [color=26ffea][b]"Oh!"[/b][/color] After sniffing the air twice with her extraordinary sense of smell, Tera immediately craned her neck up toward the firearm-wielding wraith, and for the briefest of moments, the two Anomalies stared at each other. Then, with little delay, the ghostly musketeer pulled its index finger against the trigger... A loud bang followed right after as the antiquated firearm sent forth a deadly projectile, aimed straight for the heterochromatic girl's forehead, the weapon that once brought the mighty Takeda Clan to its knees would now claim the life of a warrior of the 'Sefirot Clan'... or at least, that was the plan. Make no mistake, the spectre's aim was true, the bullet [i]did[/i] hit; it penetrated Tera's skin, drilling its way into her skull, piercing living tissue... but all it achieved was creating a small hole on her forehead. Upon closer inspection, there wasn't even any discharge of brain matter, nor skull bone, merely minute splotches of rubbery flesh before the wound flawlessly mended itself as if nothing had happened in the first place. No warrior was slain, truly, the only thing that the ghostly gunner achieved was pissing off an otherwise happy-go-lucky Anomaly. [color=26ffea][b]"Ow..."[/b][/color] Tera grumbled under her breath as a rather sizable pout bulged at her right cheek. Frowning in childish vindication, the girl's hair suddenly snapped upward as if it moved like a prehensile limb, in fact, the further it traveled, the more it appeared like a single huge red tentacle instead of a collection of green locks. The hair-turned-tentacle proceeded to wrap around the sniper's armored torso in a vice-like grip before snapping back, pulling the now-restrained wraith toward her. [color=26ffea][b]"Bad monster..."[/b][/color] Tera murmured as her mismatched eyes leered at the pair of glowing red dots... before she [i]tightened[/i], crushing the sniper like a twig, armor and all. Her vengeance satisfied, Tera's 'hairtacle' proceeded to toss whatever remained of the gunner like trash, her immediate attention having been taken by the rest of its cohorts, who were charging at her beloved friends with pointy metal sticks. That was proof enough that [i]all[/i] of them were bad monsters, and bad monsters needed to be punished! [color=26ffea][b]"PUNISHMENT!"[/b][/color] The Fleshweaver bellowed with a boisterous war cry as she leapt forward, then mid-air, her humanoid form started regressing. By the time she - [i]it[/i] - crash-landed on top of one of the yari ashigaru, there was a mass of tentacled, many-eyed, and maw-ridden red flesh instead of a young girl. [color=fe2863][b]"RrRaAaAagGhH!"[/b][/color] Thus, it proceeded to battle against some of the ghastly soldiers; tentacles and teeth clashing with spears and armor. Unfortunately, these were merely wraiths bearing the facsimile of an ashigaru, which meant A-188's eldritch true shape seemingly had no adverse psychological effects on the presumably-mindless drones, but no matter, it'd punish them all the same! [@Raineh Daze] [@Eisenhorn] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@VitaVitaAR]