[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4wNjhjOGUuVEdsc1lTQkNiR0ZqYTNkdmIyUSwuMA,,/gritluefdemo.regular.webp[/img][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MyKmatB.png[/img][/center] [color=DA70D6]“What the [i]fuck[/i],”[/color] Lila shouted as she was pulled to the ground by Adora. All around tear gas canisters exploded, sending their vile contents into the church and bringing pain to her coven. [color=DA70D6]“Fucking hell,”[/color] she said as she did a quick glance around the room, trying to spot anything that might be able to help her stop it before it got worse but, sadly, this was a church and not the bustling streets of Portland. [color=DA70D6]“Shit,”[/color] she groaned as her eyes began to scream out in pain. Every instinct told her to wipe at them but she forced her hands to stay down. There was nothing she could do to stop it, there was no way for anyone here to neutralize this gas truly, at least in the moment, but they could still make the recovery easier. She tried to shout to the group but the tear gas silenced any words she tried to muster with its burning. A moment later she heard the tell-tale sounds of the PRA. She opened her eyes and tried to pull herself up. [color=DA70D6]“Shit, shit, shhiiiiiit,”[/color] Lila screamed as she instead pulled herself into the fetal position. [color=DA70D6]“Whoever you ar-”,[/color] she gasped, and coughed, [color=DA70D6]“you are a fucking idiot, using this shit indoors.”[/color] Lila tried to watch as the feds began their raid. She watched as Linquian got angry with her ex, and got a taser round for her efforts. She then watched Jasper catch one in the shoulder, forcing him down. Meanwhile, every..single..member of the coven was being subject to a punishment that, as far as Lila was concerned, was cruel. First, tear gassing the group in an enclosed space. Second, forcing the group to get down on the ground without anything being done about the gas. There was no way for anyone to run to get out of the cloud. Lila knew that if it wasn’t for the coven healers, this situation would no doubt lead to long-lasting health consequences for everyone trapped inside, not just the vulnerable members of their community. Something inside Lila wanted to lash out at the PRA agents, but there was nothing she was capable of doing at this time. [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi41MWNlMGUuU21GemNHVnlJRmRwYkdSbC4w/millaysia.reg.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Oraz6ho.png[/img][/center] As the tear gas canisters exploded around him Jasper pulled a small 12x9 canvas from his bag and decided that he did not have the time to do a full spell as the tear gas began its relentless assault against every part of his body. Instead, he simply used his brush to quickly draw the orange outline of a traffic cone. Jasper was no stranger to tear gas, this was Oregon after all, and as such he knew there were a few ways to neutralize a tear gas canister. As he painted, he looked through his watery eyes to see if anyone around him had any water bottles and sure enough, he spotted one right nearby. As he finished applying the layer of paint, he quickly flipped his brush around and dried the layer using the bottom of his channeler. As he continued painting a second later, he looked around for the closest canisters he could find. He spotted one that was two pews ahead of him, and a second one right nearby in the center aisle. In Jaspers's mind, his plan was simple. While the traffic cone would not be strong, it would get solidified by the heat coming from the tear gas canister and he hoped that would create a seal with the ground thus trapping further gas from escaping. Second, he wanted to try and douse the second canister with water. This way, there would be less gas affecting the group and this should make their recovery easier, and less painful. Everything was going to plan, his painting was almost finished and the water bottle was already within reach. He wouldn't be able to save anyone, but he could at least help them in the only way he could. Everything was going to plan, until the taser round slammed into his shoulder, making him convulse on the spot before he fell out of the pew onto the ground below. As he hit the ground, he felt his nose pop and then felt the warm trickle of blood start pooling underneath his face. [center] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjExNi5lNzA4ZjMuUlhabGJIbHViaUJCYm00Z1UyVnlaVzVsYkdsbmFIUSwuMA,,/georganodemo.regular.webp[/img][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YkGhDeq.png[/img][/center] Evelynn was already on the ground and she watched as Jasper took the taser round. A second later, he was on the ground right next to her and she heard a crackling sound. [color=F08080]“Hey bu- ahhh shit this sucks,”[/color] Lynn paused as she coughed, [color=F08080]“hey buddy, you okay?”[/color] [color=98FB98]“Ow,”[/color] was all Jasper could muster in response. His eyes darted over to the painting he had done for the new coven and wondered what the chemicals in the tear gas would do to it.