Yūma accepted a trinket from the rather brusque healer Mae, though he didn't particularly begrudge the demeanor. Not everyone enjoyed their work, and given the visibly metallic arm, odds were she had not lived an easy life up until now. The former officer didn't bother mentioning or bringing up the good luck charm probably wouldn't do much for him in particular, given most things just sort of deflected when it came to anything unnatural or abnormal, but he wouldn't snub the woman either. He made a pleasant off hand comment as he accepted the trinket, tucking it into a spare pocket on his vest for safe keeping. [color=lightblue]"Well when you put it like that, I'll do my best to keep my insides where they belong then, shall I? Thanks for the freebie though, can't complain about that."[/color] Focused as the front team formed and walked onto the premises, Yūma was scanning the ruined front of the manor. The mission being announced to start got a brisk nod from the man, flashlight trained on the manor as they encroached on the property, service pistol at a low ready. They would have to be damn careful about moving about this place, the rotted through floors would no doubt prove hazardous to them if they didn't make sure the ground was relatively sound to traverse. Getting split up would be not ideal, assuming plunging into a basement didn't end up like Victim A from the brief. A glint in the flashlight's beam across the roof caught his eye, but before he could bark out a warning, an....[i]arquebus[/i] opened up? The shot would have killed anyone else, but the general response of A-188 was not pleased. It sorted out the gunner on the roof, and then leaped into the ranks of the advancing, spear wielding soldier spirits. Ashigaru, if he remembered his history lessons, but that was not relevant right now. Agent Murakami was next to engage, bringing that massive blade around like it was nothing, smashing into the ranks of the advancing yari wielding phantoms. They seemed to come apart as easily to trauma as anything else did, so Yūma was the next to engage. Rather than advance into melee, however, as much as he loved the idea of evading thrusting attacks to get in close and pummel the enemies to death, the presence of one firearm wielding phantom threatened more, which meant keeping overwatch. Shifting to the left to engage the flank of the ashigaru, hopefully held in place by the aggression of his fellow agents, Yūma took steady aim and opened fire. Compared to the single, resounding crack of the old blackpowder weapon the ashigaru spirit above had wielded, the service pistol barked in a series of paced, back to back rapid shots. Putting shots into the ashigaru spirits that had yet to be destroyed, his pace ensuring he didn't risk hitting anyone who had moved into melee, he was keeping an eye out for more arquebus wielding spirits. Blackpowder, in this day and age? What a time to be alive! The question remained what animated and bound the spirits to this manor of all places, but that was for later. Purging the immediate threats was for now.