[hider=Southwest Wrestling] Name: Southwest Wrestling Territory: Texas and New Mexico. Style: Sports Entertainment Television: WKT was filmed in Dallas TX and airs in Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Promotion Champions: Television Champion: A-Bomb SWW World Heavyweight Champion: Eddie Hernández SWW Women's World Champion: Sol Sunday SWW Intercontinental Champion: Tsutomu Hanayama SWW Tag Team Champion: The Midnight Riders SWW Cruiserweight Champion: Richardo Ortega Promotion Top Stars: Eddie Hernández Terio Balboa Savage Hart J-Block El Tigre Booker: Paul Cornette Booker Bio: Paul was previously working for another territory called Florida Wrestling Alliance (FWA). Working there as a booker arranging matches while also working on the different storylines going on. Although he felt that the higher-ups were not booking and taking care of the wrestlers. Leaving this territory and moving to work with Memphis Wrestling. During this time he became more involved in the booking process. Learning more about the wrestling business and how to manage a territory during this period. A friend of his had told him that he was creating another territory with famous wrestlers from other territories joining. Paul soon left the MW and with his friend created Southwest Wrestling. Paul used his knowledge of the business to slowly build up the company. Hiring more well-known wrestlers, and making sure that each show would be entertaining. And also making sure everyone’s egos are in check. [/hider]