[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180804/59e33c13301c63b568e5eb178a837406.png[/img] [hider=Stats] 20/13|Male/Male|Reinforcement, Beast Mystic, Melee|Duplication, Tentacles|Deity Enhanced Sustenance, Awareness, Masculinity, Fated, Sorcery, Gifted, Absolute Direction Paragon, Blessing, Clergy, Mana Fount, Gifted Item Arrogance, Unknown, Loud, Big Brother [/hider][/center] "[color=aba000]No kidding, that was way too close[/color]" Alexander agreed "[color=aba000]Fucking Wonderland. What the hell even is an 'unbirthday'!?[/color]" he wondered as he fished the scroll case out of his underwear and looked it over "[color=aba000]So what now? Just wait? And what did they even take you for? I mean, I could understand if they were trying to milk us for information, but they didn't bring up the war at all![/color]"