[center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/800920533151514644/1176681726261608558/image.png?ex=656fc141&is=655d4c41&hm=1a64a885d3afb66e3e65edab2d5094fff5f0ed81728713e08aaf1065805c8895&=&format=webp[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1158583197341335572/1180126850966626394/543c5a72-5491-46bb-ac13-e2d2c1f8b704.png?ex=657c49c6&is=6569d4c6&hm=211c710a9363c68aabca2ae4e0c3a63bb73817f8dea24a73d2feb4d5e6a0a3bb&=&format=webp&quality=lossless[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QMJV_vweG8&ab_channel=soundfx]Coffee.[/url] A sip of freshly grinded and ethically sourced beans from St. Brewell's caused a jump in focus to Eve as she took in the scene within the church. It wasn't easy to catch up but she saw some new faces but mostly old ones as the bickering continued without her as she gave her meek opinion on how things should be done or what people should feel. It didn't matter in the end as the party or reunion was ruined by some people who still held grudges, Eve didn't have a chance to react as the gas came into the church flying from unseen angles as it touched down near the pews and the group. Feeling weak, tears welled up in the cowgirl's eyes as she coughed and hacked away dropping her coffee onto the floor of god's house. "Fu - Fuck!" She sputtered as threats of taser darts to the ass or worse, today was just not going for the Coven. It took a few moments but Eve found herself on the ground losing strength, gasping for air as she found herself in the crosshairs of the conflict. She slowly crawled toward the altar maybe she could be teleported away, maybe Sully could make a chalice of something that would make the gas begone? Was he even here, but she didn't get too far before running out of gas and energy? St. Brewells could only take her so far, but the will to fight and resist faded the gas could only mean law enforcement and despite the number of times she had been arrested Eve failed to build an immunity to tear gas, a true shame. For Eve her time on the run didn't even last twenty-four hours.[/center]