[center][h1]Zhao Jinhai[/h1][/center] "Well damn, I was right?" Jinhai grinned, seeming equally as cavalier as his short companion. Of course, that didn't last long as he used the reprieve he had from Sakura being targeted instead of him to examine their new foe quickly. The weapons weren't much to speak of, and the armor definitely wasn't. Damn. Peasant soldiers, then. Still, it was [i]something[/i], even if they weren't fighting actual samurai. Screw it, he'd take it. "Right, time to get to work." He unsheathed the blade he'd brought along. The blade he'd...already broken earlier. Ah, shit. Jinhai briefly groaned to himself before deciding to just run with it. He lobbed the jagged, half-shattered sword tip at the gunner in the back before breathing deeply, pulling his fists in as he took up a bajiquan stance. Zhao Jinhai [i]moved[/i]. His charge was almost a blur of qi as he slammed a single fist straight into the first ghost ashigaru's chestplate, aiming to smash straight through it. He kept the momentum up after, whirling around his initial victim to ram an elbow into what passed for the next ashigaru's neck. "C'mon, c'mon! This's the only entertainment I'm getting today, so at least make it a good one!" [@Raineh Daze] [@PKMNB0Y]