With the meeting wrapped up, Rose turned to inform Kayli about Aurora's request. She was just off with the others. [color=thistle]"Give me a moment, I can go get Kayli."[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Sounds good! But take your time, I think I know someone else who'd like to meet you"[/color] Aurora looked down at his chest and ran a hand over it. [color=goldenrod]"Just you wait guys! In just a little bit, you’re going to be big, bold, and beautiful!"[/color] While Aurora thought about her future, Chloe leaned over Aurora’s shoulder. [color=violet]"What are you doing?“[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Eeek!"[/color] Aurora covered his mouth. [color=goldenrod]"Where were you? You were gone for a while!"[/color] [color=violet]"I needed to smooth things over with Cradle, but things are alright now.“[/color] She rubbed her arm. [color=violet]"Why did you want me to come back here?“[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Uh-"[/color] He folded her arms behind her back. [color=goldenrod]"Someone offered to get me a red coin! I can have my boobs back!"[/color] [color=violet]"But I like how you look now.“[/color] [color=goldenrod]"W-well, maybe. Uh…"[/color] Chloe sighed. [color=violet]"You know what? If it means that much to you, go for it.“[/color] She smirked. [color=violet]"Just make sure you stay cute.“[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Will do!"[/color] Aurora saluted. [color=goldenrod]"Did you want to hear how the rest of the meeting went?"[/color] [color=violet]"Maybe later. This red coin business sounds interesting.“[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Oh good! We shouldn’t have to wait long to hear back… I hope."[/color] Ready to leave once the meeting was wrapped up, Kayli was waiting for Rose to join her. Exchanging a few words, Aurora was pointed out and the woman seemed to consider things for a moment before leaning down to Iris and saying something to her. Giving a brief salute she ran off before teleporting away. Rose and Kayli returning back to Aurora, the woman would offer a hand to shake. [b]"Hello there Aurora. You can call me Kayli. Rose tells me you wish to change something about yourself?"[/b] While she didn't doubt what was told to Rose, Kayli trusted her Light magic to root out if there was some ulterior motive. [color=goldenrod]"Oh, well, I already told Rose, but here it goes!"[/color] He put a hand on his chest. [color=goldenrod]"I use to be a girl? But now I’m a boy, and I kind of miss it, you know? I mean being able to go to the bathroom standing up is great but it’s not really something I’ll miss."[/color] After some hesitation, He kneeled in front of Kayli [color=goldenrod]"But what I really miss is having boobs! It’s so weird that I can look down and see my feet. My own preference would be that I don’t even see my toes, but I’ll take whatever I can get! You have to do something!"[/color] Chloe gave Aurora a sideways glance before putting a hand on her hip. [color=violet]"I wouldn't mind a rebrand. Just a symbol that I’ve moved on from who I used to be.“[/color] [b]”Oh, I see.”[/b] She would look at Chloe who also appeared to be interested in a Red coin. It was somewhat of a surprise, given that the girl was usually very sure of herself and her appearance. Kayli didn’t detect anything amiss in her words though. The Mint had come to the table willing to concede some things, so it only seemed fair to return the favor in some way. [b]”If that is what you would both like then I would be happy to help you with that. The coins will be here shortly, but as always, I offer you both the option to have your corruption removed as well.”[/b] Aurora chuckled. [color=goldenrod]"Yea, I told Rose about this too. But I’m not corrupted, so."[/color] [color=violet]"Yes you are.“[/color] Chloe quickly added. [color=goldenrod]"I am?"[/color] [color=violet]"Of course you are! When you got impaled by that crystal, it most certainly imparted some corrupted magic on you.“[/color] Chloe smirked. [color=goldenrod]"I guess that explains some things. I never used to laugh at people when they got hurt."[/color] With a sigh, he looked back at Kayli. [color=goldenrod]"I think I’ll get that taken care of, if you’re offering."[/color] [color=violet]”I think I’ll pass on being clean.“[/color] Chloe tapped her scarf. [color=violet]”I don’t think my employers would look at me favorably if I had all the curses they put on me stripped away. I need something to separate me from Beacon, you know?“[/color] Giving a nod, Kayli would chuckle a bit. [b]”I imagine not. Best not upset the apple-cart any more today than we may already have hm?”[/b] She would ask rhetorically. Placing a hand over Aurora’s head, her magic rather easily removed the minor corruption from him. [b]”That should do it for that.”[/b] [color=goldenrod]"Really?"[/color] Once Kayli removed her hand, Aurora felt the top of her head. [color=goldenrod]"I don’t feel any different. But I guess that’s a good thing!"[/color] Blinking in a short distance away, Iris stumbled a bit from dizziness. Since things were quite it wasn’t that much of a risk, but teleporting consecutively at a distance still taxed her. Hobbling over she handed a small bag over to Kayli. [color=slateblue]”Here you go.”[/color] Steadying Iris and taking the bag, Kayli sighed a bit. [b]”You didn’t need to rush.”[/b] The girl would shrug. [color=slateblue]”Well… too late.”[/color] Shaking her head a bit the woman would open up the bag and produce two Red coins. Holding them out she would let they take one each. [b]”I’m not sure how familiar you are with how these work. You can have it change some of your magic and appearance, or be completely remade as a new magical girl and leave the results up to chance. It’s up to you.”[/b] She would take a step back to leave them space for when they were ready. They turned the coins over in their hands. Aurora looked noticeably more excited, shaking with emotion. [color=goldenrod]"Oh man! I can hardly wait!"[/color] [color=violet]”Wouldn’t it be funny if you were still a boy?“[/color] [color=goldenrod]"I-Is that possible?"[/color] Chloe chuckled. [color=violet]”I don’t think it’s likely, but you never know…“[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Okay."[/color] He placed the coin against her head. [color=goldenrod]"I don’t want to change everything, but come on. Make me into a beautiful girl!"[/color] He repeated her desires like a mantra as the red coin dissolved. Aurora’s body was consumed in a red light and when it faded, Aurora finally had her [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1089216474998128771/1170828020211273830/BFouP1.png?ex=655a7590&is=65480090&hm=2451eb9c8f5e73d90706024240bd799088c68e9a583379154bd2377a17f7b9f5&]boobs[/url]. [color=violet]”Whoa.“[/color] Chloe looked over Aurora’s new form. She looked different, but also very much the same. It was like the teenage femboy had grown into a woman. [color=violet]”If not for the bright colors I might have assumed Su returned.“[/color] Chloe grinned. [color=violet]”I think I liked your old form better, but I could get use to your new one.“[/color] Meanwhile, Aurora was doing everything in her power to just stop from hyperventilating. [color=goldenrod]"Wow."[/color] She hugged herself and watched her curves react. [color=goldenrod]"I missed you so much! I’ll never complain about back pain or creeps hitting on me ever again! From this day forward it’s just happy days!"[/color] She looked up. There were tears in her eyes. [color=goldenrod]"Where’s Rose? She’s getting a hug!"[/color] Hopefully she wouldn’t suffocate. But Chloe was in no rush to use the coin that she had been handed. [color=violet]”Is this really it?“[/color] She crossed her arms. The red coin was between her fingers. [color=violet]”You just gave one to Aurora so that she could change her body. I can’t imagine you have an infinite number of these things, and there are probably other girls that need them more. What's your angle here?“[/color] Kayli would smile. [b]”I get it. You work with the Mint after all, and they’re all about their strings and stipulations. I’m hoping you’ll use this opportunity to turn over a new leaf. Will you? Only time will tell. I can say that I wouldn’t expect anything different if no one gives you the chance.”[/b] The woman, as far as the magical community was aware anyway, was always odd in how she operated. She often offered help even when it would obviously be rejected. If she was playing for power, then she didn’t seem particularly good at securing the deal. Paying closer attention as Chloe was now, it was hard to shake the feeling that Kayli was looking through her at something deeper. [color=violet]”I’ll never understand people like you.“[/color] She huffed. [color=violet]”But I’m glad you exist anyway.“[/color] Chloe used the red coin and underwent the same flood of light that Aurora did. In no time at all, it was over. At this point, Aurora felt she had smothered Rose with enough affection for the moment. She ran to Chloe’s side and slid on one knee, generating a mirror for her to admire her reflection in. Like Aurora, Chloe hadn’t opted for a complete change, so she wasn’t totally different. The coin had aged her up, but she looked like an older version of her former self. One with a more mature hairstyle and eerie glowing eyes. Her body was still lean and fit, though the jagged, black accessories she wore made her look a bit more [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1089216474998128771/1170800079989387274/100f376ae09a6aef77277f6ca4d2f6da1d524b56.png?ex=655a5b8b&is=6547e68b&hm=3706319957542b73ef4830f6544c529c7261a1bb34661e45f080354fa6d784c5&]eldritch[/url]. [color=goldenrod]”You look gorgeous!“[/color] Chloe turned around in front of the mirror. [color=violet]”Awww, I always wanted to be tall!“[/color] She practically squealed the words. [color=violet]”I don’t think I’ll be very popular with the goody two-shoes, but I’m happy with the results.“[/color] She turned back to Kayli. [color=violet]”It’s what’s on the inside that counts, right?“[/color] Seeing Chloe’s change in appearance, Kayli nodded slightly. [b]”No, I do not imagine they would be fond of the changes.[/b] It was not what she expected, but the Red Coin’s results were somewhat unpredictable. Chloe then asked a question. Without much hesitation, she answered. [b]”Yes, I believe so.”[/b] Chloe grinned and folded her arms. [color=violet]”I’m not going to try and figure you out. I’ve given up on trying to understand why nice people act the way they do. Jason, Alicia, Connie, and you. I don’t know what your deal is, but the other three have no reason to trust me. Yet they do, or did. I could call them stupid but…”[/color] She trailed off. [color=violet]”You need a balance, you know? If we’re constantly fighting each other because we want to be the next mayor of Penrose, it’s going to get ugly. If everyone tries to get along, it’s inevitable someone less kind will come along and ruin things for everyone. Maybe there needs to be a combination of the two to keep the peace, huh?”[/color] [b]”I would say so. I wouldn’t use that as an excuse to lean too heavily in either direction. Ideally, most of the individuals are balanced on their own, and we’re not always dealing with the extremes.”[/b] She would cross her arms casually. [b]”I imagine as a broker there would be some benefit to having both. Too soft and nothing gets done. Too harsh and people are less willing to cooperate.”[/b] She would muse. [color=violet]”Maybe.”[/color] Chloe swung her arm, as if brushing Kayli’s comments aside. [color=violet]”The point is, regardless what type of person you are, you’re always going to have weaknesses. Which is why you need to surround yourself with people who aren’t like you. That’s why we’re going to beat Wonderland. Because Penrose might be a dysfunctional family, but it’s still a family!”[/color] A warm smile would come to Kayli's face. Despite what others might think of Chloe, she certainly was full of pleasant surprises. [b]”That we are. And I agree. Despite our quarrels we come together when it counts. Wonderland doesn't know what they're getting themselves into.“[/b]