Thank you for understanding! Yeash, time got away from me this week. My sleep non-schedule decided to... I can't even say inverted. It's just weird. Time is relative to me on the best of days, but more so when that gets wonky-er. Apologies for repeated information, then! Heh, no, as soon as started that convo topic, I realized I hadn't been thinking about adding those subtilties. But thanks! They aren't overpowered in and of themselves. I was just unsure how much more impossible for humans they would make things without more limitations, with humans already being out-powered by most supernaturals in general. If they were added as they are in your h3ead, would it then be more up to supernatural empathizers to free humans, or could humans still stand a chance with just aid from empathizers? If you think you could downplay them enough or add some balancing weaknesses at the least, go for it! Just, might make things a bit more difficult when you potentially have humans who might go crazy or be otherwise overwhelmed with paranoia every time they see a squirrel or something.