[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1101443714250973217/1105051209859088415/image.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1101443714250973217/1105050998352924712/image.png[/img][/center] [color=DCD1FD]ᴛɪᴍᴇ |[/color] Sunset [color=DCD1FD]ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ |[/color] Northbound on the Eastern Sea [color=DCD1FD]ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ |[/color] Mister Luum [@FunnyGuy] [color=DCD1FD]ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ |[/color] Bardulf [@Lava Alckon], Masako [@dreamingflowers] [color=DCD1FD]ᴇQᴜɪᴘᴍᴇɴᴛ |[/color] Travel bag with essentials (money, rations, first aid, etc), sapphire pendant, twin daggers. [hr] Zeva tried to trace her gaze to what Luum was looking at in the horizon, finding the magnificent silhouette of Rue’s pegasus soaring across the skies. Its wings flapped in smooth curves, catching the illumination of the setting sun like a paint brush softly dipped into orange and pink pigment. She envisioned for a moment what it would be like to fly as freely as the pegasus. There would be no worry about getting to class on time, dealing with customers at the Oak Tree, evil dark elves, or political revolution – only the wind beneath her wings. But the thought was fleeting, and Zeva quickly returned her attention to Mister Luum. As he spoke, imagery of consecutively larger beasts cycled in her mind. Zeva was growing used to being confused when Luum spoke. Regardless, she understood he was telling her the hefty weight of acquiring this information, though the elf never granted explicit details on this mentioned ‘price’. Luum continued, a brilliant orb of light appearing in the palm of his hand; a mastery of light magic that Zeva had yet to achieve. The light stretched across the wooden deck, casting harsh contrast against the grainy details and damp algae crusted onto the ship’s planks. As marvelous as this demonstration was, it could not distract from the worry of learning that the fate of the mission rested in Bardulf’s hands. Zeva found it hard to place her trust in the novice stranger – or at least, she didn’t get the impression he was particularly strong.[color=DCD1FD] [i]Train him indeed…that much is necessary.[/i][/color] Then, the orb of light in Luum’s palms swelled until it burst into a dazzling array of stars and sparks, reflecting a galaxy in Zeva’s widened eyes. The spectacle faded, and darkness fell upon the two again. Zeva grinned.[color=DCD1FD] “Well, I guess that’s all I need to know for now. Train Bardulf, huh? Definitely. Guess I’ll ask him about his weird ea-”[/color] Zeva stopped abruptly, remembering the shock of her horrid nickname from earlier, but quickly regained her composure, [color=DCD1FD]“-ears, later.”[/color] She looked down at her own hand, curious, and began to collect light at her fingertips. Her rough, calloused palms faintly glowed, somewhat visible against the darkening sky. Only the edges of her fingers seemed to conjure enough energy to be truly called ‘light’. The light surged and flowed like calm waves to the ends of her hands, until a marble of luminescence finally formed above her index finger. And with a strong shake, the light dissipated into the air. An aggravated sigh huffed out from Zeva’s chest. [color=DCD1FD]“I should probably train more too…ha ha.”[/color] She switched her attention to the two figures that had entered their view on the deck – Bardulf, and a peculiar warforged with intricate blue patterning interrupted with some streaks of gold. The latter’s appearance intrigued the young elf, finding a foreign kind of beauty in her craftsmanship. She turned back to Luum, [color=DCD1FD]“Wow, I haven’t seen a lot of warforged but this one’s so pretty! Wonder if she’s strong too…”[/color]