[hider=Cowardice][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240130/1bef81ddc0b93d02f23af9d27cc8ac97.png[/img][/center] What should have been a peaceful sleep was interrupted, much to Lucas’ dismay, by the butler entering the bedroom. With heavy limbs he managed to turn and fold his pillow over his face, almost ignoring the butler calmly informing him that Princess Erica was waiting for him in the living room. The mention of Erica was the only thing that forced him up, mumbling something to Tyler about staying in bed. He groped around with half-closed eyes, grabbing one of the robes and tying the sash around his waist in a half-assed attempt at being modest. One hand ran through his hair, barely taming his wild locks, and he peered at the princess sitting prettily on the couch. He wasn’t even remotely surprised to find her with her hair pinned away from her face and wearing a dress embroidered with Estora’s stars. An assortment of sandwiches sat on the coffee table, enticing him to throw himself onto one of the armchairs. Erica stopped nibbling on her sandwich and placed it down in front of her, watching Lucas curiously. [color=gold]“I don’t suppose you’ve heard from your father or brother, have you?”[/color] She said more than asked. [color=dodgerblue]“Thankfully not,”[/color] He grumbled, throwing his head back against the back of the armchair. [color=dodgerblue]“Please tell me what you want in fifty words or less, I feel like crap.”[/color] The blonde let out a sigh. [color=gold]“Nathaniel has passed. Last night, the council came together to decide on the future king and chose your father due to gaining the endorsement of the Scion of Time. I suspected you weren’t aware and came to inform you,”[/color] She told him. [color=gold]“Only thirty-nine, but I can include this for fifty, I suppose.[/color] The news hit him like someone had splashed cold water onto his face, jerking Lucas into an upright position with his eyes wide. He had always known Erica wasn’t the type to hold back, but he wasn’t expecting this at all. His grandfather [i]died[/i] last night and he was only just learning about it. His father said [i]he[/i] endorsed [i]him[/i]?! Who would believe that? [color=dodgerblue]“That can’t be…”[/color] What should have been a more indignant response came out somewhat pathetically as his gaze dropped. [color=dodgerblue]“Grandfather passed and no one thought to tell me…? And–who the fuck is stupid enough to believe that I would ever support his bullshit claim?!”[/color] [color=gold]“Your brother decided to keep us both in the dark. Unfortunately, I had a rough night and slept through his departure,”[/color] She replied somewhat coldly. [color=gold]“I admit I share your surprise; I never thought Ezekiel would be so bold to lie.”[/color] Lucas raised his head to give Erica an incredulous look. [color=dodgerblue]“He just lied and everyone believed him?”[/color] He asked in disbelief. She shrugged. [color=gold]“It’s what I was told. I doubt I’ll get the truth out of Arthur,”[/color] She seemed a little apologetic as she spoke. [color=gold]“I thought not to let you stay in the dark, at least. Nathaniel wanted to avoid a situation like this, but I suppose your Scionhood was all the justification needed for a power grab. That it worked is disappointing, I don’t think I have ever seen my grandfather so annoyed.”[/color] Disappointing was one way to put it. Then again, Azrael’s position weakened after the death of his initial heir while Ezekial had two sons and a grandson on the way. Lucas briefly wondered if things would have turned out the same if Theo had still been Scion. He leaned back against the armchair, awake but a little more relaxed. [color=dodgerblue]“You should be pleased. One step closer to being queen,”[/color] He replied. The very mention of the word brought that all-too familiar glint in the princess’ eye: it was a deep, insatiable hunger. Henry called her ambitious, but Lucas knew it was greed. The accompanying smile reminded him of a cat watching a helpless bird flapping around the ground. [color=gold]“An avenue opened, yes,”[/color] She ended up admitting as she rested her hands on her bump. Lucas couldn’t stop himself from scoffing, earning him a glare. [color=dodgerblue]“Never change, at least you’re consistent.”[/color] Erica rolled her eyes at him. [color=gold]“I’m more interested to see if you’ll stay the same. Scion royalty runs this Federation–Princess Isabella has run Rosaria since she came of age despite her mother still wearing the monarch’s crown. Even your father will have to think twice before crossing you,”[/color] She pointed out. [color=dodgerblue]“If you really think that, you’re stupider than I thought you were,”[/color] He couldn’t help but snap. If he was being honest, however, his growing irritation was due to them having the same conversation [i]again[/i]. [color=dodgerblue]“This was his way of telling me that even as a Scion I don’t have any power.”[/color] [color=gold]“You have no power because you [i]choose[/i] not to wield it,” [/color]Erica remained firm. [color=gold]“You helped Theodore out all the time, I don't see why you don’t put time and effort into doing some good instead of whoring yourself around and drinking so much you sweat alcohol.”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“Everything I did I got away with because [i]Theodore[/i] helped, not the other way around,”[/color] He reminded her, his eyes flickering to the bedroom. [color=dodgerblue]“I don’t want to talk about this.”[/color] Erica’s lips formed a tight line–she was pissed at him but aware that yelling at him wouldn’t accomplish anything. Instead of responding right away, she took a few seconds to compose herself again. [color=gold]“Grandfather went out of his way to shape you into a fine young man, and you’ve squandered it all away,”[/color] She evidently decided she was in the mood to fight. [color=dodgerblue]“My father took a sledgehammer to his work,”[/color] Lucas’ reply came quickly. [color=dodgerblue]“But seeing Henry again…after everything that’s happened, I know I can’t keep going the way I have. And it starts with finding Theo’s murderer.”[/color] The blonde was surprised by his response, but she still frowned at him. [color=gold]“I understand you have that motivation now, but even before that, you didn’t seem to amount to anything. Just because Croia was absorbed into the Duchy of Avalon doesn’t mean you couldn’t try again.”[/color] Lucas bristled at the mention of Croia, giving Erica a dark look. [color=dodgerblue]“I don’t want to talk about this,” [/color]He repeated. The princess outright rolled her eyes at him. [color=gold]“You’re such a coward.”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“Honestly, fuck you. It’s so [i]easy[/i] for you to be so judgemental.”[/color] [color=gold]“Because I know you!” [/color] [color=dodgerblue]“And?”[/color] [color=gold]“And I can’t understand what Ezekiel did to make you like this.”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“No, you can’t.”[/color] Erica let out a frustrated groan as she clapped her hands together, bringing them to her chin. [color=gold]“I want to hit you so badly,” [/color]She told him. Lucas turned his right cheek towards her, tapping it. [color=dodgerblue]“This one’s unbruised. Go for it.”[/color] The princess let out a long exhale. [color=gold]“I am outright envious of whoever gets to,”[/color] She muttered darkly. [color=gold]“I can’t believe I was supposed to marry you at one point.”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“Yeah, you robbed me of the only family I wanted.”[/color] [color=gold]“Oh, please, you’re so dramatic. You would’ve been bored of me within a month.”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“I would’ve made sure every single day was entertaining.”[/color] [color=gold]“No, it would’ve ended with me choking you in your sleep.”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“See [i]that[/i] would’ve made everyone envious of you.”[/color] Erica pinched the bridge of her nose. [color=gold]“I understand the fallout might’ve been discouraging, but you had options. You could’ve come to me or Grandfather, we would have supported you,”[/color] She said, abruptly steering the conversation back to where she wanted. He couldn’t believe she wouldn’t drop it. Letting out a heavy sigh, he let his body fall limp against the armchair again, eyes unfocused and gazing at something he wasn’t really looking at. [color=dodgerblue]“It wasn’t just Croia,”[/color] He finally admitted. [color=dodgerblue]“Grisandole, Auctor, Glendale…every single one I tried to help was sabotaged.”[/color] [color=gold]“And you thought that was a good enough reason to give up? Just because things didn’t go your way?”[/color] [color=dodgerblue]“Yes,”[/color] Lucas replied bluntly. Erica frowned at Lucas, clearly wanting to say more but hesitating for whatever reason. Eventually, she let out a small sigh. [color=gold]“I am sorry for your loss. And I’m sorry that you feel you can’t come to us for help. But if there’s anything you need, we’re here for you.”[/color] Lucas stared at Erica for a while without saying anything. That was something so [i]easy[/i] for her to say as someone who had her home country behind her and the church itself ready to defend her simply due to having the Bachmeier last name. She was essentially untouchable. She wouldn’t get it. It wasn’t until the princess looked uncomfortable that he got up from the couch and decided he was done with the conversation, stretching his arms above his head. [color=dodgerblue]“Uh huh. I’m going back to bed.”[/color] Erica got up and grabbed his arm as he turned to leave. [color=gold]“I mean it. Stop pushing me away,”[/color] She insisted. Lucas didn’t reply and just pulled himself out of her grip. She could walk all over everyone and insist on her way, but she wasn’t about to pull that bullshit off with him. He returned to the bedroom and made sure the door was closed before dropping himself back onto the bed, running his hands over his face. He couldn’t believe the audacity of his old man. Sure, it was obvious he would’ve used Lucas’ newfound Scionhood to his advantage, but to just outright lie was a lot, even for him.[/hider] [hider=The Calm Before the Storm][center][h2]???[/h2][/center] The single candle swayed as Margaret walked through the halls of the Cathedra Incepta, its small light doing its best to illuminate the path. The moonlight did a better job and she could have used a flashlight, but the flame was a necessity. Its purpose came once she placed it down onto a pedestal, the flame crawling off of the candle and seeping wax onto the surface. The symbol shined brightly and a door revealed itself. She stepped through and the Cathedra Incepta was left behind for a much more ordinary looking place, despite the mysticism needed to enter. The room had no windows and the stone looked old, the floorboard creaking under her feet as she walked to the small, round table in the center of the room. Shadows hid the corners of the room and despite a light shining down on the table, there was no lamp. Both Fyodor and Elijah waited for Margaret, the pair looking at her as she sat down. [color=orange]“Shall we begin?”[/color] Fyodor asked. [color=goldenrod]“Your impatience never fails to amaze me,”[/color] Margaret commented, folding her hands together in front of her. [color=orange]“Our enemies have taken another Scion from us. You don’t think that requires some urgency?” [/color] [color=goldenrod]“Of course it does. But hastiness is cause for error,”[/color] She replied. [color=goldenrod]“Once this gets out, there will be a panic that will grip all of the Federation. We mustn’t let ourselves get caught up in it–remaining strong against the tides of uncertainty will be our greatest challenge.”[/color] [color=tan]“The Scions and Templars have been shaken by the night’s events,”[/color] Elijah sighed. [color=goldenrod]“They cannot falter now. If the people see the Scions fear, they will follow suit,”[/color] Margaret warned. Elijah wasn’t happy to hear that. [color=tan]“They are only human, Margaret. Anyone in their position would be fearful. This enemy is specifically targeting them.”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“They are Incepta’s chosen,”[/color] She stated firmly. [color=goldenrod]“They are the pillars of the Church.”[/color] [color=orange]“And those same pillars are crumbling,”[/color] Fyodor chuckled, ignoring Margaret’s glare. [color=orange]“This generation of Scions is certainly a collection.”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“It is [i]your[/i] Templars that must ensure they do not crumble,”[/color] She reminded him. [color=goldenrod]“I suggest you remind them of their duties.”[/color] [color=orange]“Irina has already taken care of it.”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“How convenient for you. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were willingly shouldering your responsibilities onto her.”[/color] [color=orange]“I wouldn’t give them to her if I didn’t have absolute confidence in her capabilities. If she cannot handle this, she doesn’t deserve the title of Commander,”[/color] Fyodor replied, eyes narrowed at Margaret. [color=orange]“And I would ask you to show her your respect. Irina will soon be your equal.”[/color] Elijah’s eyebrows shot up. [color=tan]“But you said there would still be time before your retirement,”[/color] He said, worried. [color=tan]“If you retire now…the timing would just make everyone uneasy.”[/color] [color=orange]“Anyone worth their salt knows Irina is more than capable of being Commander,” [/color]Fyodor dismissed Elijah’s concern. [color=goldenrod]“I only hope your judgment stands,”[/color] Margaret said dryly. Fyodor turned his sharp glare to Margaret. [color=orange]“It has yet to fail me. And yet here we are, because [i]you[/i] dismissed this cult’s preaching when Elijah brought it up months ago,”[/color] He snapped, standing up. [color=orange]“And now we have Scion Nadine doomed to meet Scion Theodore’s fate as a result.”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“You would blame me for the actions of madmen and heretics?”[/color] Margaret asked in disbelief as she stood from her seat as well. [color=orange]“The blood of both Scion Theodore and Scion Nadine paint your hands,”[/color] He scoffed. [color=orange]“When will you stop waiting for something to happen before acting? How many Scions will you choose to lose?”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“Remember your place, Fyodor,”[/color] She warned him. [color=tan]“Enough,”[/color] Elijah interjected. [color=tan]“What has passed cannot be changed. What is important is that we do whatever it takes to protect the Scions that remain.”[/color] Both Margaret and Fyodor continued to glare at one another, but both sat down once again. Elijah let out a sigh, rubbing his temples. [color=goldenrod]“We should tell the Scions to shelter in Veradis,”[/color] Margaret suggested. [color=goldenrod]“It will be easier to keep an eye on them, then.”[/color] [color=tan]“Several of them are prolific members of high society. I can’t imagine they’d do so willingly,”[/color] Elijah frowned. Margaret gave Elijah an incredulous look. [color=goldenrod]“Princesses Rosemary and Isabella I understand, but you truly expect me to believe the escape artists of Wind and Earth would be doing anything better with their time? Our newest Scion is also royalty, but if you give the rumors any credence, anything he puts his hands on turns to dust. Estora would be glad to see him in one place instead of galivanting with whores and miscreants.”[/color] [color=orange]“You give rumors too much credit,”[/color] Fyodor scoffed. [color=orange]“Even if that was the case, Sir Morris will handle him.”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“Speaking of Sir Morris, thank you for informing us that he would resume his position,”[/color] Margaret scoffed. [color=goldenrod]“What in Incepta’s name could you have possibly been thinking to give that Templar [i]another[/i] Scion to lose? And of course, not just any Scion, but an Estoran Prince! It would be a grave consequence if this one were to go missing as well!”[/color] [color=orange]“Weren’t you just disparaging him?”[/color] [color=tan]“Sir Morris had no fault in what happened with Scion Theodore,”[/color] Elijah told her. [color=tan]“I’m more disturbed by your lack of faith in our Scions and Templars.”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“And who could blame me?”[/color] Margaret stood once again, gesturing to something in the air. A virtual screen appeared with the faces and names of every Scion and Templar. [color=goldenrod]“The Scions Wind and Earth show no signs of taking their duties seriously, the Scion of Gravity is too busy being distracted by her own reflection, the Scion of Fire hasn’t received the message that he is a soldier no longer, and neither the Scion of Metal nor Shadow haven’t shown an ounce of initiative.”[/color] Elijah frowned. [color=tan]“I understand your frustration, but–”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“And yet you ask why I lack confidence in their abilities,” [/color]She snapped, pacing around. [color=goldenrod]“Combine this with the gaggle of Templars Fyodor assigned who aren’t performing their duties, it is obvious that there is great cause for concern! Tonight’s report paints a sorry picture of the people entrusted to their holy gifts. It is both horrifying and shameful, and neither of you seems to realize this!”[/color] [color=tan]“Well, it could be that–”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“And I haven’t touched on their willingness to use the Goddess’ gift at their whims. It is as if they have decided that the rules we have do not apply to them,”[/color] She stopped pacing, her hands behind her back. [color=goldenrod]“Need I remind you two what happens when a Scion decides that they may do as they please? Or do you require a history lesson on Scion Yusef Zente? Because unlike then, we have no Scion Aaron Bachmeier to do the righteous thing this time.”[/color] Elijah and Fyodor looked at one another. The former sighed, giving Margaret a serious look. [color=tan]“To err is to be human. I implore you to exemplify compassion and understanding rather than instill judgment from on high, unless you wish your fall from your high horse to be cruel and unforgiving,”[/color] He warned her. Margaret leaned forward and slammed her hands on the table. [color=goldenrod]“Mark my words: your unwillingness to uphold the sacred laws will be [i]your[/i] undoing,”[/color] She warned him in turn. [color=orange]“Is that a threat?”[/color] Fyodor asked darkly. The pair glared at one another, but Margaret stood straight again. [color=goldenrod]“It is a word of caution.”[/color] Elijah sighed. [color=tan]“I don’t believe we are getting anywhere productive tonight. Let us reconvene when we all arrive at the Cathedra Incepta tomorrow. And we should bring clear minds and open hearts,”[/color] He pointedly told Margaret. She shook her head in disappointment, but evidently decided she had enough of the pair. She exited through her door, and said door faded into the wall. Fyodor outright sighed, giving Elijah a tired look. [color=orange]“And then you wonder why I want to be done with all this,”[/color] He waved towards Margaret’s previous spot. [color=orange]“She is impossible.”[/color] [color=tan]“She is concerned,”[/color] Elijah frowned. [color=tan]“I don’t completely disagree, I just feel she is letting her fears and concerns dominate her. However…”[/color] [color=orange]“However?”[/color] Elijah narrowed his eyes. [color=tan]“I have to admit, I agree with her point about Sir Morris. I thought we came to an agreement about him.”[/color] [color=orange]“We did.”[/color] [color=tan]“And if he decides to forsake his duties to seek revenge?”[/color] [color=orange]“Then he is in the perfect place for it. Prince Lucas and Scion Theodore were close as wards of Henry Bachmeier,”[/color] Fyodor told him. [color=orange]“Pairing Sir Morris and the prince together gives them a common goal. And that goal will inflame Sir Morris and will pacify Prince Lucas–it’s the ideal pairing to find the truth behind Scion Theodore’s disappearance.”[/color] Elijah looked uneasy as Fyodor spoke. [color=tan]“I don’t like it when you scheme like this,”[/color] He admitted. [color=orange]“Forgive me, but there are things that must be done,”[/color] He groaned as he stood, his hand massaging his right hip. [color=tan]“I know, but…such things shake trust,”[/color] He frowned. [color=tan]“I would rather not have you follow Margaret’s path.”[/color] [color=orange]“If I could pull strings the same way she could, I wouldn’t have been a soldier,”[/color] He outright laughed. [color=orange]“In her little rant, she failed to mention how Princess Isabella has been running the Rosarian Kingdom in her mother’s stead. Such boldness has to come from somewhere, don’t you think?”[/color] Elijah’s eyes widened. [color=tan]“I…hadn’t considered that,”[/color] He paused. [color=tan]“But you think investing in Prince Lucas will combat that?”[/color] [color=orange]“The thing about politics is I don’t care enough to get involved,”[/color] He chuckled. [color=orange]“However, I have it on good authority that Prince Lucas is the perfect person to go up against Princess Isabella.”[/color] Elijah looked unsure, but he eventually nodded. [color=tan]“Alright, I will put my trust in you, then,”[/color] He conceded.[/hider] [hider=Ill Tidings][center][h2]Meanwhile...[/h2][/center] Elsewhere, the armored man sat on a hospital bed. His incomplete hand rested on his broken thigh, the hum of a song from his helmet echoing a touch as he looked at the golden crystal in his hand. The blood couldn’t hide its glow, the light bent within the crystal strangely. Of course, he knew it was no ordinary thing and likely had its own set of rules; retracting the light in its own way was the least of its mysteries. The door slid open and in walked the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a4/71/d3/a471d3f06279c03dd6b04a9e7a1362db.jpg]doctor[/url]. His white hair blended in with his white coat, his gloved hand pulled a computer chair with him before he sat in front of the armored man. He took out a thin pair of glasses from his pocket, perching them on his nose and staring at the metallic hand and leg for a moment. [color=peru]“You’ve gotten yourself quite damaged, Adam,”[/color] He chuckled. [color=tomato]“Tyler Morris hasn’t let his skills rust in his time without his Scion,”[/color] He replied, lifting his broken hand to admire it. [color=tomato]“The rumors that he used his magic as a crutch were false, Dr. Devol.”[/color] [color=peru]“His grief hasn’t weighed him down as we hoped,”[/color] The doctor took the metallic hand in both of his and inspected it. [color=peru]“I’m assuming a mana saber did this…likely a model 50 enhanced with his own mana–no, an uncapped 100, the church wouldn’t give him any standard thing. I can save the skeleton but it melted the exterior, it’s a miracle he didn’t slice through your hand.”[/color] [color=tomato]“I used it to block his sword at one point. If he meant to sever it, he likely would have,”[/color] Adam replied, gesturing to his thigh. The doctor clicked his tongue in disappointment. [color=peru]“A rambunctious boy. Our information was incomplete. Salome needs to do a better job of gathering intelligence,”[/color] He decided to focus on the hand first, clicking around the wrist. Adam pulled back his hand and offered the crystal. [color=tomato]“The good news is your technology worked twofold. Overriding Lucas Estora’s magic was effortless,”[/color] He said as the doctor eagerly took the crystal in his hand. [color=tomato]“What’s more, his mana is unstable. I detected an anomaly from him, but he moved shortly afterwards as he was nowhere to be found when I looked in the ballroom. By the time I took the Lightning Scion and disposed of her Templar, Salome had moved forward.”[/color] [color=peru]“His mana won’t remain unstable. Incepta’s design is making every attempt at channeling the mana where She has deemed it belongs,”[/color] He said as he turned away from Adam and rolled to the desk next to him. He placed the crystal above a circular platform and clicked on a few things, the crystal slowly floating as several red lines appeared before enveloping it entirely. [color=peru]“That he was able to manipulate time at all must be an unintended side effect. He has more control than I expected.”[/color] [color=tomato]“I didn’t anticipate it,”[/color] Adam admitted. [color=tomato]“But a Scion’s control over their element is inconsistent enough that I assumed he was simply fortunate. Incepta must smile on him.”[/color] [color=peru]“More like She wishes for vengeance over her fallen child,”[/color] He muttered, more focused on the screen. [color=peru]“Regardless, if we don’t get the Time Scion before he regains control, we’ll lose out on the blessing.”[/color] [color=tomato]“Is it still a blessing if it’s forcibly taken?”[/color] [color=peru]“It’s a blessing because it is based on the same principle,”[/color] He frowned at the screen. [color=peru]“I don’t recognize the materials that compose this crystal. The Church certainly hides their secrets well.”[/color] [color=tomato]“The sword damaged the armor, but I don’t know to what extent.”[/color] [color=peru]“Scion Alderman ensured the armor wouldn’t be brought down by any conventional method,”[/color] The doctor chuckled to himself. Adam stood up and walked over, curious. [color=tomato]“I assume this will go to whoever receives the lightning blessing,”[/color] He said. [color=peru]“I’d rather you have it, but you may be right if the crystal is bound to lightning mana,”[/color] The doctor scratched his chin. [color=peru]“Hmm…it’s complexity is beautiful, but it’ll take some time. We should lie low for a while and see about repairing your limbs in the meantime. I’ll be occupied with the new lightning blessing as well…it’s going to be a busy new year.”[/color] Adam looked back at the crystal. [color=tomato]“How long until the new blessing? It took months for the last one, no?”[/color] [color=peru]“If I had succeeded on my first attempt at putting theory to practice, I would have gone out and bought a lottery ticket,”[/color] The doctor laughed. [color=peru]“This time, it will be much shorter. A young, healthy man is a more durable test subject than an older, frail woman–I’ll get results in a matter of days this time. Sooner if her heart gives out.”[/color] A red beeping caught both of their attention. [color=tomato]“Very well, then. I will relay the information,”[/color] Adam stated. The doctor gave him no response so he took his leave. There were many things running through his mind, but he acknowledged that it would take some time before their next attempt. He made his way through the halls until he entered a room with stone walls and floors. The chill was enough to give him pause, his boot crunching on dead leaves. The greenhouse was once home to a multitude of exotic plants, but now only one thing remained. The moonlight illuminated the room void of life, and at its center sat a magnificent willow tree. Its branches hung low, protecting its trunk, but they swung back as Adam walked through. At the base of the tree sat what looked like a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0b/2b/95/0b2b95d58b3d8ea4da55d09ed7240707.jpg]woman[/url] asleep on a makeshift bed of pillows at first glance; her silhouette could’ve been mistaken for human had it not been for a large pair of horns protruding from her head. Her skin was an ashen black, a great contrast to the shimmering white hair that swept the ground around her. The color shimmered gold with every movement, matching the jewel set on her forehead. Her clothes looked elegant, but ended in smoke, moving as if there was a wind billowing around her. She opened her golden eyes, her jewelry clinking together as she lifted her head. [color=red]“I can feel it. Her Lightning…will you give it to me?”[/color] Her voice was soft and sultry, eyes quietly hungering. [color=red]“You denied me Her Time.”[/color] Adam knelt to the ground and bowed his head. [color=tomato]“As before, we will not give you the Scion. However, this time we will ensure you have plenty of blessed ones to feed on,”[/color] He said apologetically. [color=tomato]“I ask for your understanding, Termina.”[/color] She gave no response at first, eyes focused on Adam. He listened intently, knowing he may need to withdraw if she decided to feast on him. The shuffling told him that she was getting up and he did the same. She didn’t walk over to him as he expected, however, instead walking over to the tree. [color=red]“Two lights dimmed…and a third on the way,”[/color] Termina said, her nails raking the bark. A golden light trailed her scratches, but disappeared as she turned to Adam. [color=red]“Her intended path has been completely thrown aside. She will act soon. Incepta will come for me.”[/color] He stiffened as she shifted, her entire form swallowed by smoke and dust only for her to appear directly in front of him. Her hair billowed out behind her, eyes wide and hungry as they darkened to a bloody red. There was a strange beauty about her face that made her look uncanny, a face that should have been something to admire instead of appearing so inhuman. [color=red]“To increase my strength, I need to be fed,”[/color] Her eerily calm voice told him. [color=red]“Won’t you have the good doctor bring me another to feed on?”[/color] [color=tomato]“Your will be done,”[/color] He replied as calmly as he could. He didn’t dare turn away or show any fear; he witnessed firsthand what happened when anyone showed any signs of weakness. Sure enough, after a moment, Termina calmed down somewhat, albeit her eyes remained red. She gave him what was likely supposed to be an assuring smile, but she remained in place instead of retreating. A pair of robed men dragged in an unconscious man, throwing him to Adam’s side. They got down on their knees, bowing their heads. “Greatest Termina, we give to you this offering,” One spoke. She walked to the unconscious man, poking his shoulder with her foot. The holy sigil glowed briefly at her touch, giving her glee, and she then walked over to the men. Despite their honeyed words, they visibly trembled, earning a ‘tut’ out of her. [color=red]“I don’t believe I can be satisfied with just the one,”[/color] She said, looking at Adam. He understood. [color=tomato]“Take as you please.”[/color] Unlike before, the smile she gave him was bright and warm. Smoke surrounded the robed men and solidified into tendrils, grabbing them by their necks. He paid no mind to their struggles or choked shouts for help, knowing very well that Termina was not to be denied her meal. She was generous as well; this time she would eat three, and not an entire room as she did before. Indulging her would both keep her happy and keep him on her good side. He took his leave without a second glance, more concerned about repairing what he needed.[/hider]