[h3][color=7bcdc8]Roxas[/color][/h3] [hr] The elven woman looked to Vesemir more; letting her eyes scan as he beckoned further in. She didn't shake his hand, though it wasn't to be rude. She noted to giant shield, eyes averting to the caned elf as he told her it was an orc. A smile crossed her lips at that. Definitely someone who's seen battles.. She looked to the seats as she moved closer and shook her head. [color=7bcdc8]"Ah, no thank you. I don't drink or eat anything I haven't bought myself. General rule for me."[/color] She offered him another smile, not taking the seat. [color=7bcdc8]"I'll look around; maybe catch sleep myself. Walking for a week with little sleep tends to.. deprive one of it. I'll get the details with everyone else who shows up."[/color] She offered a wave to Vesemir and moved away from him. Her walk around led her to the carriage with benches. She shucked off her bag, grabbing her bow and flute. She pulled the bow over her head to carry it, sliding the flute into her belt. She hummed as she looked around, eyes moving to the ground, and then raising to the sky. She was looking for wood or a bird. Glancing to the tree, led her to decide to try not to disturb the orc, so she walked past the tree, further away into the open field; picking up a loose branch next to the tree on the way. She sat down, sliding a dagger from the sheath at her back as well as laying the bow to sit at her side and started chopping at the branch, softly humming to herself still.