[color=00a651][center][h3]Agar[/h3][/center] [center][h3]// Must go deeper >> Something smells //[/h3][/center][/color] The forest, although dark with lots of unknowns, was actually peaceful even with understanding that standing out in a place like this either means your stupid or strong. This place reminded him of home, the thought broke his concentration for a moment thinking of his family and what the goddess had said about them. Stepping on and cracking a small stick on the game trail pulled him from his thoughts. Cursing himself for losing focus on what he needed to do. Resuming his carful walk, Agar happened upon another small clearing. He could immediately see the mushrooms in the middle of the forest. Still without rushing he scanned the tree line around him. He smelled something that came off as rotten or dog poop. He could only guess could be coming from the strange tree at the other side of the clearing. A slight movement showed another tazelwurm lurking beneath it but it wasn’t looking in his direction. The orcling gazed at the trees above them to make sure it was alone. He didn’t have enough time to see if they were communal or lone hunters. So, he decided to continue forward slowly in his low crawl up to the mushrooms to pick them while continueing his use of [u]Muffle I[/u]. Glancing up from the mushrooms to look up towards the cat. [hr] [@Zeroth] [hider=Stats and Things] << [u]Current Quest:[/u] Fulfill Duties within the Tribe (0/2 Minimum) [u]Tribe Tasks:[/u] find turtle shell mushroom x5 [u]Inventory:[/u] loincloth, sharp rock, Wooden Spear, Hide pouch, sharp Tatzelwurm claw, Tatzel Venom Gland x1, Harpy Screech Valve x1, Harpy Talon x1, cooked/partially cooked Harpy Meat, 7 lbs, Powdered Weak Tatzel Venom x1, turtle shell mushrooms 2 out of 5, petrified fragment x6 [u]Skills:[/u] Ingestion, Field Scan II, (chose [u]increased stamina[/u] for Lvl 2), Blunt Resistance I, (Chose [u]additional empty skill slot[/u] for lvl 3), Muffle I, [u]Location:[/u] heading back out into the forest > strange creatures and dark forests [u]Inventory used (for current post):[/u] None [/hider]