Round the front, the ashigaru phantoms had met a similarly grizzly fate. Shot, crushed, bisected, and generally approached with more firepower--and monstrous force--than was typical for a warring states-era battlefield, the spirits collapsed into dark ooze. Unlike round the back, the initial defence seemed to have been overwhelmed by the force presented, leaving the way clear to proceed through the surrounding walls-- Only for a harsh rebuke to ring out for the first of the vanguard team into the building proper. More arquebus-wielding ashigaru, fanned out to cover the entrance--although without much in the way of cover themselves, beyond their melee counterparts advancing on those that actually dared to intrude. Some stood in what had once been smaller gardens between the various hallways, but most stood lining themselves as the entrance headed away from the floor. [hr] [h2]Sakura[/h2] Hm, maybe she should... yes. A small portal opened underneath the arquebus-reloading ashigaru, dropping it in front of Zhao where it could more easily be dispatched. That should let them get in without being shot at? Of course, maybe they could just try running [i]past[/i] everything, but then they'd probably be surrounded and potentially stabbed to death violently... And portals didn't leave much room for looking around. Not good, that, when you didn't know the cause.