[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5495510][img]https://i.imgur.com/rRgaM5U.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--[/h3][/center] Teratoma - in all of its true eldritch glory - fought against the phantom ashigaru alongside three of her 'friends'. Between its teeth, tentacles, and teethed-tentacles combined with Arisa's massive fuck-off sword and fiery magic, Yuuma's good ol' application of the Second Amendment of a certain Western country’s constitution, and Numako's spooky scary spray ink, the initial wave of the wraiths proved absolutely no match for the four Sefirot operatives. However, they had simply won a single battle in this twisted reenactment of the Sengoku Jidai, the war raged on still. [color=fe2863][b]"RrRrRrRgGgGhHhH!!"[/b][/color] After smashing through the first vanguard, A-188 had no intention of backing down now, there were still more bad monsters to punish! Thus, in a show of alien fearlessness, the mass of living red flesh began - literally - crawling forward on innumerable limbs, charging head-on toward the fusilier phantoms covering the entrance. Whether it was a decision made through careful calculations or pure instinct, it wasn't clear, nevertheless, what Teratoma was doing served an important purpose... To take the brunt of the beatings for its 'squishier' human friends. A veritable hail of musket fire erupted near the entrance as the spectral musketeers opened fire at the advancing shoggoth. Yes, it didn't work before, but surely that was due to insufficient application of force... right? Unfortunately, primitive firearms simply weren't enough to do any damage beyond superficial wounds, if only they had grenade launchers equipped with incendiary rounds, but alas, blackpowder arquebuses were all they got. As such, for all their efforts, all the ghostly gunners achieved - just like their recently-departed comrade from before - was painting a figurative target on their backs... ...as the eldritch blob that was A-188 barreled down upon them, lashing, crushing, and chomping at their ranks. All the while, its allies were nearby, ready with their respective weapons and/or magic to further thin the revenant herd. [@VitaVitaAR] [@Raineh Daze] [@Eisenhorn] [@Rune_Alchemist]