[b]The Academy Of Virtues - Expanded[/b] By decree of Mother Su'ule, her devout begin to expand The Academy Of Virtues in Sithari. From now on, attendees who have completed their education at The Academy Of Virtues will have adverse side effects from Sorcery slowed down and alleviated. It stills happens, but monsters or others who use Sorcery will be less susceptible to ugliness, cosmetic or otherwise, from their use, or even over use of sorcery, since they are generally trying to be a good individual. [Hider= Summary] Su'ulek blesses The Academy Of Virtues. Those who have graduated their course(s) at The Academy will experience bad changes from Sorcery less severely and/or less often.[/Hider] [Hider= Might] 4 MP - 1 Holy Site = 3 MP Remaining -1 Holy Site, boosted with the Change domain. The Holy Site lessens the severity of negative changes brought by usage of Sorcery[/Hider]