One of these may actually end up as [img][/img] [hider=Sad Dad] [center][img][/img][/center] [b] Name: [/b] Kyn Kennatus [b] Species: [/b] Human [b] Homeworld: [/b] Parada [b] Age: [/b] 50 [b] Gender: [/b] Male [b] Rank: [/b] Sergeant (at time of discharge) [b] Master: [/b] Not Force Sensitive [b] Equipment: [/b] Mark 1 Katarn Class Armor, cobbled together from a few different suits, none in pristine condition. Bacta injection and shields are both broken. Relby-v10 micro grenade launcher Verpine shatter gun pistol Vibro-Knife Espo grenade mortar (Not carried with him at all times) Various explosives Survival Gear Medkit [b] History: [/b] Kyn grew up on Parada, an agricultural world where not much happened. His family were hard-working farmers who had built their crop of land into the envy of the rest of the town, well-respected and pillars of the community. As was custom, he joined the local militia for a tour of duty, a family tradition expected of the eldest child before they could take over operations on the farm. The Clone Wars broke out early into Kyn’s service, and he was deployed to planets far away from home. The bulk of his service took place on Atraken, home of one of the longest and bloodiest sieges of the whole war. For months his unit was at the front lines, never breaking through, holding their position but without any allied reserves to allow them to withdraw. Supplies were meager and infrequent, but by some miracle they endured. When they were finally able to break out it was due to Jedi volunteering for a suicide mission, none of them made it back, but Kyn and all of the survivors of his unit always knew they owed their lives to the Jedi. The conclusion of the war came shortly afterwards. When Order 66 came around and his unit was supposed to aid the clone troopers, a short search confirmed that all of the Jedi that had been with them on Atraken had indeed been killed in the fighting beforehand. Kyn demobilized and returned home to Parada, finding the planet far different than it had been before. The sector’s senators had opposed a number of Palpatine’s measures to consolidate control, as retaliation for that and out of a desire to reward loyalists, massive portions of the planets land were seized and given to TaggeCo, and others connected to the seat of power. The Kennatus family land was gone, and Kyn found his only option was to work on a corporate owned plot of land and keep piling up debt. Not all was for the worst, the town’s community remained tight-knit, and he even married his high school sweetheart, Arisa. Together they built a humble life, raising kids and scraping by on the farm. After the war, rumors began to spread about a mysterious man living the woods, someone possessing wondrous powers. It created fear, but in every encounter the man was kind and timid, not menacing. Still unsettled by it, Kyn set out to track him down and almost succeeded until his wife begged him to stop. She explained that this man was a Jedi, her brother who had gone away as a child for training and now seeking to hide from the great purge. Kyn agreed to keep the secret and aided in helping him hide. Over time, Arisa’s brother became known as a semi-mythical protector, watching over the town from the shadows, beloved by all the residents and always vanishing whenever any imperial forces looked for him. The later years were hard for the planet of Parada. Economic demands meant that precious little of the food grown could be kept to feed themselves, and when they pushed back the empire confiscated the grain by force. One bad year for crops and famine gripped then entire planet, starvation killed entire families. Kyn did his best to provide but saw the supply dwindle to nothing, and he had no way to procure any more, no money, no one willing to lend him, nothing he could barter. He thought and he thought and then he decided on a course of action, telling no one. Kyn told his family he was setting off on a hunting trip, and that was true in a sense. It was difficult and relied on the trust he had built up with Arisa’s brother, but he succeeded in setting an ambush and claiming a substantial reward from the Empire for his service. When he returned home with the money, they were elated, not only did they have enough for food, they could even contemplate moving off world and starting fresh again, away from the demands of serfdom. That joy did not last as Kyn refused to answer details about where the money came from, “inheritance” and “calling in favors” did not satisfy their questions. He never learned how Arisa figured it out, but he will never forget how everything changed afterwards. His beloved wife, his kids now saw him as something completely different, they didn’t even want to talk to him after what he had done. It never got better. Word spread around the town also, and Kyn was the pariah, the man who had slayed the town’s protector. When Arisa and the kids left him all he could say was that he did it because he loved them; it was true, but it was also the only thing he could say that wouldn’t make it sting even worse. It has been eight years since that day. Kyn has turned to traveling the stars as a mercenary, he knows no permanent home, no permanent kinship, and serves any cause only as long as they can pay him. He hates fighting and any attempt to romanticize it, but he has never found anything else that he feels like he can do well. In the good times, when he has earned enough to relax between jobs, he can drown some of his feelings away at the bar, when he is low, when he is ready to march to the front again, he wonders if he was ever going to fit into a normal life. As a mercenary, he’s agreeable and has some scruples, not a paragon of morality but there are classes of jobs that are too nasty for him to do, and when fighting he is known for pragmatism and improvisation, trusting on his wits to keep him alive as his body ages. [/hider] [hider=Edgelady] [center][img][/img][/center] [b] Name: [/b] Raskta Eto [b] Species: [/b] Human [b] Homeworld: [/b] Eshan [b] Age: [/b] 34 [b] Gender: [/b] Male [b] Rank: [/b] No formal rank [b] Master: [/b] No formal master, trained by Imperial Royal Guard [b] Equipment: [/b] Royal Guard Armor Force Pike Heavy Blaster Pistol T-21 light repeating blaster Vibroknife Lambda Class Shuttle [b] History: [/b] Born on Eshan to a large family, Raskta struggled for attention from the very start. Echani society as a whole was in turmoil when she was growing up, the end of The Clone Wars and consolidation of the Empire’s forces reduced the demand for Echani fighting expertise. Two forces emerged to fill the void that family and society could not: martial arts, and the ideology of the Empire’s New Order. Raskta cultivated her competitive streak and threw herself into training until she was winning competitions, no easy feat on a world as dedicated to combat as Eshan. At school and elsewhere she was a dedicated member of the junior division of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, happily consuming imperial propaganda, promoting imperial values, and monitoring others for ideological conformity. It gave a sense of peace to the young girl, made it all seem so understandable. When she was of age, she applied for the Imperial Academy on Carida and was accepted into the Stormtrooper Corps. While there she was there, she displayed an intense focus and serious nature. In training she specialized in counterinsurgency and was enrolled into the Storm Commandos and saw action almost immediately upon graduation. With the fires of rebellion burning across the galaxy, there was no shortage of work for Raskta and her fellow commandos. Seeing the violence of suppressing rebels firsthand certainly raised some questions in her, but even the shock of seeing the aftermath of a Base Delta Zero could be overcome when the constant demands of battle suppressed her time to contemplate. When she heard that she was selected for the Royal Guard she was unaware that she was even under consideration, but she dared not say no. Her Echani training paid off, that little experience gave her a slight edge in the face of the extreme demands. Training was even more brutal than her days at the Academy and even the smallest senses of personal identity were beaten out of her, but the Royal Guard gave her something that she would forever be grateful for: purpose. Though devoted to the values of the Empire, laws, principles, and institutions all seemed to be abstract for Raskta, not real enough to banish all doubts, but in this training, there was one and only one focus for all loyalty: Palpatine himself. He became the symbol of her life’s meaning, and though she would never see him until the final day of training, when she struck down another one of her fellow candidates in the arena as he watched silently, the image in her mind was enough. When she learned the truth about the Sith and the powers of the dark side, she was fascinated, before she had hardly ever contemplated the force, now it intrigued her. Raskta didn’t have much of a desire for power or to study the techniques without permission, but belief in it dovetailed with her faith in Palpatine, and she came to believe that the Force itself had predestined her to follow this path, to be a cog in the machine of Palpatine’s great work. Once she had graduated to a full member, Raskta was assigned to one of the proactive units, tasked with hunting down potential threats and neutralizing them. They worked in small units, often far away from Coruscant, more isolated than those trusted with direct security. In all likelihood, this assignment is what saved her life, so many of her fellow Guards died with Palpatine at the Battle of Endor. When she heard the news her world shattered, if she hadn’t been traveling through deep space, she probably would’ve thrown herself into a suicidal mission against the rebellion that very day. After time to calm down, Raskta contemplated her options and found none of them satisfactory. Fleeing and hiding would only demonstrate cowardice and delay the inevitable, none of the various pretenders to throne could hope to honor the legacy of Palpatine, and attempting to defect to the other side would betray all that she had stood for. In the end, she chose to use the skills she had as an assassin, one with discernment and unwilling to take jobs unless she felt that the force had called her on this. She is emotionally detached and still searching for a path in life, being unable to let go of her previous life completely. [/hider]