[hr][center][color=f49ac2][h3]Liliana[/h3][/color][/center] [hr][@Breakthrough Crew] This plan was going great! Until it wasn't! Whimsy was snatched by one of the warriors that had gotten the least amount of rock in his briefs, who proceeded to show Liliana that Shizuyama's mud definitely tasted worse than the mud from her home. (No one must ever know.) But still, the little fairy was struggling to breathe, about to try and size trick to get out of this sticky situation when who else but Ayu arrived. Pulling Liliana from the mud and even brushing a bit off of her, Ayu would see that Liliana had looked genuinely scared for a moment, before she giddily hugged the human spymaster. [color=f49ac2][b]"Ayuuuuuu! Thank you thank you thank you! I promise, you can come along on whatever adventure you wanna! No more worrying from me. That guy didn't know what hit 'im!"[/b][/color] the fairy blubbered, happy to be saved. Still, there were more heads to crack, and this time Liliana wouldn't be in a good enough mood to use Whimsy's flat side. [color=f49ac2][b]"Alright busters, you've got no chance now! Let's mess them up, then go help Shizuka and everyone else,"[/b] [/color] Liliana proclaimed, before once more taking flight to assault the Varjan soldiers. [hr] [center][color=C48BD3][h3]Eula[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] Wordlessly, Eula watched the interrogation, a seemingly coldhearted onlooker to the swear, and the life that was to become forfeit. That was, until Sorae found her naginata unable to budge those last few inches, the automaton's arm held at its full length over the warrior's shoulder to grip her weapon with monstrous strength, preventing it from finding purchase in Kana. Sorae could almost feel Eula's eyes staring a hole in the back of her head, her grip firm enough to snap the naginata in twain if she exerted a bit more force. [color=C48BD3][b]"Lady Sorae. I promised no undue harm would come to her. Just because she swore on her life doesn't make it forfeit. If anything, sparing her will prove an important point. You are not like the barbarians that have come to slaughter. You have come for justice. Not vengeance. Correct?"[/b][/color] Eula pleaded, hoping that she could let Sorae's conscience decide Kana's fate. She had no idea what Sorae had gone through...and yet, she was sure, this senseless killing would only cause her further pain. [color=C48BD3][b]"We have the map. That will suffice."[/b][/color]