[hr][hr][center][b][h3][color=FF17F2]Klara, Daughter of Thor[/color][/h3][/b][img]https://i.ibb.co/LhgR7n7/Klara-Thordattir-5-500x400.png[/img][hr][color=FF17F2][b]Location:[/b][/color] New York City [color=FF17F2][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A [color=FF17F2][b]Spells:[/b][/color] Rosa Glittereksplosjon[/center][hr][hr] [color=FF17F2]"No one answered my question as to where we are!"[/color] Klara said rather loudly as she was more or less guided along to where everyone else was heading, towards some weird building she didn't recognize or anything like that. Everything was definitely a bit weird and chaotic. Plus not to mention the fact that in her mind there still wasn't enough glitter around. Seriously glitter tended to make everything better, brighten up the moods and makes it so that things aren't so dark and dreary. Hence why during the whole everyone explaining everything, she decided to throw more glitter up in the air that then exploded and covered glitter all over everyone once again, and she started giggling like crazy, to the point where she wasn't fully paying attention to the words that Jack was saying they all needed to repeat or whatever. Which was probably not a good thing. [color=FF17F2]"Through heart and something of the Fourth Eternity, the world hears something something I don't know, what words am I supposed to be saying again? You expect me to repeat something back so easily why?"[/color]