[CENTER][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LmRlMTk4YS5WR0Y1YkdFZ1EyaHZhUSwsLjA,/zolanti.regular.webp[/img][/h1][/CENTER] Mention: Linqian[@FernStone] Tayla could count on one hand the amount of times she expected Linqian ask her for a light. Her palms would be open, because she never expected it at all. "Keep it," she said, pulling a lighter out of her pocket. It was metal and had skull inside an Ace playing card design. Fucking tacky, but she stole it off some dude she fucked for drugs. She got it. Dealing with the Feds would make anyone need a smoke to cope. She flicked her lighter, igniting it in the middle of Linqian going in on Evelynn for volunteering them to work with the Feds. She had to agree with Linqian, because that's not the right play here. If they did that, they'd have to be under their thumb. They'll probably go digging around into their past where they shouldn't, if they haven't already, and she didn't want to give them a reason to. Their conversation devolved into a fight; she flicked her lighter closed. Evelynn got the shit slapped out of her for being out of pocket about Jinhai. She didn't remember Linqian's brother well, but not even she would go that far. Not when she's lost James and went down a dark hole she's still climbing her way out of. Evelynn could go fuck herself for that one. She pulled out her own pack of cigarettes and lit one. That's her one for the day, but this was a lot. She didn't handle screaming and crying, particularly women crying, very well. Reminded of some of the worst nights she's spent with the Wolf pack. Shit she'd take drugs to numb the memories for. With Linqian now a good distance away from Evelynn and the fight over with, she went to her offering her lighter. [color=DE198A]"Still need a light?"[/color] she asked. She pulled her phone out of her pocket. She still had about two hours, before she needed to pick Siwan up from day care. [color=DE198A]"And maybe a drink? There's a place down by the docks if you want to get outta here."[/color] She didn't care for Linqian like that, but she's not that much of bitch to not empathize with the shit show that just happened. Deep down the nice girl she used to be, the one that showed concern for her friends, was still in there somewhere. Who knew a fight would be the thing to bring her out. She'd be lying if she said there wasn't a little bit of Asian solidary in there. There wasn't many of them in this group.