His words went on deaf to the sounds of battle. Chunji lifted his head, and by the time he did, Ciara, Iraleth, and Alto were consumed by roots and thorns. His Ethos told him everything he needed to see. Ciara and Iraleth are trapped inside the root-like cage with Alto. Seeing what happened at the final stages of the auditorium would bode badly for Alto. That made him curious. Why didn't Chloe just touch the cage and activate her Ethos? It was connected to one point, so the cage would have easily withered away from Chloe's withering touch. Chunji could not complain about the initiative since he wasn't a participant in their current battle. Otis must've connected everyone through a mental link and instructed them based on previous interactions and the prick Chunji had felt earlier. That left him with an awkward situation between him and Davil. His fellow student was beside him as Otis requested him to do so. Now that Alto was occupied, Chunji's focus was redirected to Davil. Like the rest of his classmates, Chunji could count his interactions with Davil with only one hand. It wasn't enough reason not to interact with Davil, however. "Davil," Chunji called to his classmate's attention. "The numbing spell I cast earlier will cause problems in the future. Make sure to check with the clinic daily for a week." The spell went wrong somewhere, but he didn't know what. A visit to the clinic would be necessary to ensure a full recovery afterward. Though while they're on the subject. "If I may, I can heal your arms, Davil." Chunji was perfectly capable of restoration on that level. Even with the overcharged leyline, Chunji could cast an incantation quickly and efficiently. "However, there will be some drawbacks. My healing is imperfect as it is." Davil's arms may deteriorate back to their current state, become numb for a week, or worse. Chunji wanted at least consent from Davil to perform his spell art. "Whatever the case, the choice is yours. Your health is the most important." Davil's injuries aside, Chunji needed to find a way to prevent his future injuries. If Davil was going to be injured when entering the overcharged leyline, he'd probably be damaged when they came out as well. As Otis stated earlier, Davil must put up a Personal Barrier before anything else. So, Chunji needed to find a way to help Davil manipulate it. The problem was that Chunji wasn't familiar with essence manipulation. He knew the feeling but not the verbalization to instruct Davil. Considering his next choice of words, Chunji spoke up. "Why do you think you are unable to manifest your Personal Barrier?" The words were delivered in a cold tone. "Remember what Professor Alto said. Emotional and conceptual essence. While this space is void of any essence, there's still essence inside us." It was a reminder, but something Chunji emphasized. "I know you can do it, Davil. If I can do it, so can you."