[quote=@Kero] I'm having a bit of trouble getting a bead on the setting, looking everything over. I see that it takes place in 20XX, but I'm struggling to piece together the general world and society we're working with. Any elaboration on that stuff would be appreciated. [/quote] That's incredibly valid! The idea is a modern day (so thinking 2024, but leaving the last bit of that open time-wise). Magic is around but very modernized. Think street lamps lit with magic, eye doctors that use flame wizards to cut glass, etc. Then you add in the swords and shield bits of the world. Which, in a modern setting, can seem like they cancel each other out. But in a world like this, the swords and shields bits are all just on tradition and don't have much use in daily life aside from being a sort of pomp and circumstance sort of thing. If that's still to vague or confusing, please let me know! Questions that you have or ideas that you have are helpful as well. [@Crowvette] That's a fair point on the combat system. I definitely want the bits and bobs to be more story flavor rather than DnD combat system. And I don't want the system to take away from the actually writing/fun of it. If two writers are willing to work out a plan for their duel on who should win/how it should go, I'd be open to that as well. I just don't want it to turn into an irl argument because that can quickly turn into something rather nasty given the ight circumstances. An opposed dice roll kind of takes that bickering between players away and allows the players to go "ah, so Character A is going to win, how are we going to write it such that Character A wins this duel?" Again, just my opinion and I'm very open to the ideas/opinions of others! Thanks for letting me know your thoughts on the other bits too!