Hey there! I'd be super interested in RPing potentially -- would you consider mixing the Vampire x Human + age gap? I know this is a given with immortality but I get kind of sick of seeing all the vampire romances that always seem to include a vampire male who looks like he's 17 forever, lol. I would happily play a male role, and I'm totally happy with either a medieval or a modern setting! I know my activity around here doesn't have a ton of history, but I'm happy to send some writing samples as needed. I tend to sit right around High Casual / Low Advanced, depending on what's going on -- pacing varies, especially in dialog when we might not need 7000 thoughts while waiting on the next line. Whatever makes the most sense. If you wanna know, I'm female, in my late twenties, live in the US, and have RP'd on and off for 15+ years! I'm all about brainstorming plotlines together, and I'm happy to be told if any of my ideas are stupid, so don't worry about me getting offended and running off 😅 Let me know!