Finrod listen to the options Lyra has laid out, thinking... [i]I dont know what to do...[/i] Afraid of the truths that may come to light if he took her to the temple... [i]We really should try to figure out where her vision was... which crpyt or dungeon was she seeing and why?[/i] "I am not sure... It is a dangerous road to the Skyhaven Temple, I know that... and I feel its only half of the puzzle.. We need to learn what dungeon you were seeing, and where it is, its connected somehow.. It has to be... right?" [i]What if she finds out the truth about the temple...[/i] "I dont think we can ignore this... something... something inside me felt... off when you suggested it... I cant explain the feeling" [i]Its almost like that force was yelling at me not to agree to option 3[/i] Finrod thought to himself. "You are right, we would never make it back tonight, Ill gather some more firewood for the night" [i]Can I trust this girl? What are you thinking![/i] Finrod becoming agitated with himself for allowing himself to trust someone he knows nothing about so easily... "Ill be back shortly with the wood... I would like to hear as much detail as you can remember about the dungeon you saw, maybe we can pinpoint the location?"