[quote=@Izurich] [@HylianRose] Hmmm, you made some good points, but I need to settle something with you to properly gauge whether I'll fit with the vibe of the RP or not. Right now, to me, between this part: Plus your rather extensive elaboration about limits, all tied to one aspect, the ages of these fictional characters, I have the feeling that we won't see eye-to-eye in how we see fictional characters as storytelling tools. Personally, I do not like to censor my creativity, but I understand that in a group RP, compromises and concessions are inevitable, so I just wish to know whether or not we're [i]too[/i] different in the way we enjoy fiction. If we don't, great, then we can work something out, but if not, I'd rather we find out now rather than later, save the both of us the potentially wasted effort and all that. [/quote] Honestly, very fair and thank you for wording it so respectfully. In what ways do you see this potentially censoring your creativity? I'm trying to understand, I guess, what the real question is here? I think, from my perspective, I'd just like to be careful about portraying minors because they are so young. Not that I think anyone would portray them in a bad/poor way. Hmm... When you say characters are story telling tools, what do you mean by that?