[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231219/3895e67030d2eca73fb42731e8777ea7.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b]PRT Headquarters, 9:10 am June 19th, 2021[/b] Faith watched as the Vice Director walk in, and her face dropped as she listened to him talk. Well, that answered her question at least, though she now wished it remained unanswered. a bank robbery. By superpowered mercanaries. Why would mercanaries be robbing a bank? What could she do to help in that sitation. She looked over at her teammates. Many of their powers were better suited to fighting. Faith would probably be most useful as crowd control. Still, she'd be putting herself in active danger to do that. Was her training enough to fight mercenaries? She turned to see that Munin had grown. A lot. He was the size of a building now. She couldn't even reach higher than his leg let alone pat his back. She noticed he still wasn't wearing his earpiece. She could say it. She could say 'calm down' and get him to shrink. It would help them all, and help Landon. But she couldn't bring herself to say the words. Not to somebody she liked and trusted. She didn't want him to change in any way, even one as small as being calmer. Because she knew from experience. Little things that you think will help are how it starts, and before you know it, they're no longer the same person you were friends with. Instead, she patted his leg wordlessly, hoping the gesture alone would hopefully reach him. She pulled at her necklace, slipping the crucifix out from underneath her costume, and kissed it before tucking it back in. If there was a time in her life she needed God, that they needed God, it was right now.