Okay, so I comitted The Dumb and only noticed the "...you will be people from around the remains of the empire. From it's heartland..." bit after having written most of the CS. I'm gonna leave it here in case it gets a pass. If not, yell at me and I'll get to editing. [hider=Myrrhis] [b][u][color=#FF2200]Name:[/color][/u][/b] Myrrhis Nivellen [b][u][color=#FF2200]Race:[/color][/u][/b] High Elf [b][u][color=#FF2200]Gender:[/color][/u][/b] Female [b][u][color=#FF2200]Age:[/color][/u][/b] 149 [hider=Appearance] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/m6wkTdr.jpeg[/img][/center][center][/center] Standing at 201 cm (6'7") and weighing 76 kg (167 lbs), Myrrhis is a young High Elf with red eyes, a mane of white hair falling down to her waist and sports a lean build expected of a soldier, moving with grace natural to the Elves and carrying herself tall and proud. She normally speaks in a slow and measured manner with a pleasant, mellifluous voice, though is capable of achieving a good amount of volume and cadence if someone needs yelling at over the din of battle. She’s adapted local fashion during her time in Threndel, favoring wide-brimmed hats and dresses in red, white and black colors.[/hider] [b][u][color=#FF2200]From Threll:[/color][/u][/b] No Myrrhis is a Yulian knight on loan to the Empire to help train their troops. [b][u][color=#FF2200]Skills and Training:[/color][/u][/b][list] [*]Knight-Commander - From leading companies up to 100 strong in battle to commanding a city’s guard, Myrrhis is a capable leader who favors leading from the front, but she only has limited experience with large-scale battles. Her natural charisma and general wisdom of a century lived grant her some measure of leadership capability off the field, but it's hampered by her lack of managerial ability. [*]Diplomatic - Although a mere knight herself, her father, mother and brother hold titles of some note and as such, she was raised to navigate the intricacies of noble courts. Despite the martial flair to her upbringing, a lesson her father had constantly stressed was the importance of de-escalation and diplomacy. [*]Combat - Myrrhis is an accomplished warrior skilled with several types of weapons, but favoring a halberd and shield for formation fighting and paired swords for smaller skirmishes and everyday carry.[/list] [b][u][color=#FF2200]Downsides:[/color][/u][/b][list] [*]Administration - Myrrhis is not very good at economics or general management, relying on a purser and quartermaster to manage day-to-day functioning of her entourage. [*]Ranged combat - Although trained with a crossbow, she is of middling skill at best.[/list] [b][u][color=#FF2200]Magic:[/color][/u][/b] Sorcerer (Medium Grade) Myrrhis specializes in Countermagic, detecting (She can sense long-duration spells and enchanted tiems within 20 m of her, unless blocked such as by a wall.), disrupting the casting of (She needs to see the caster.) and dispelling already existing spells. [b][u][color=#FF2200]Important Items:[/color][/u][/b] [list] [*]Armor - A set of plate gauntlets, vambraces, cuisses, greaves, spalders, gorget, bevor, a sallet helmet and a brigandine worn over a linen gambeson. [*]Sorvann - Myrrhis’ beloved companion, a five year old Norriker stallion with white coat and black spots.[/list] [b][u][color=#FF2200]Wealth:[/color][/u][/b] The Nivellens’ loyal service has been appropriately rewarded. As a third child and second daughter, Myrrhis does not have access to that wealth beyond what small, polite requests her relatives decide to grant. With no lands of her own, most of her actual wealth is tied up in equipment, both hers and that of her squire and small entourage, putting her firmly on the poorer end of knighthood. [b][u][color=#FF2200]History:[/color][/u][/b] The third child of Count Andoral Nivellen, beaten by her twin sister Avexis by less than 20 minutes. Unlike her brother Cailan, the heir apparent, or her sister, who married early and would go on to become a magus of some renown in the field of protective magic, no one much cared what Myrrhis did as long as it did not cast the family in a poor light. Having always idolized her father as a knight in shining armor straight out of tales of yore, Myrrhis sought to follow in his footsteps. With his blessing, she was sent to the court of her maternal grandfather, Baron Aunar Ameridian. Under his tutelage, Myrrhis worked up from Page through Squire, learning the arts of horsemanship, combat and proper manners. She even got to accompany her lord overseas, when he was summoned to relieve the Threndel garrison in the City of Light, before eventually returning home and being knighted in her own right at 50 years of age. As a freshly-minted knight with nothing but her title to her name, she came to the service of Duke Aubin Corre of Godest and was put in charge of the town guard of Lannion. A small town situated on the intersection of three trade routes, the human Duke took the opportunity to put a knight of a long-lived species in charge, hoping to achieve long-term stability in that region. In addition to increased patrols outside the town limits to quell banditry, the guard implemented several measures to reduce smuggling under her charge, effective though unpopular among the merchants due to being strict. Thieves and bandits were not the only people wishing harm upon her land who were aware of the town’s significance, with several battles that Myrrhis and her contingent were called to take part in fought at or near the town over the years. When young Emperor Armagie took the throne, a handful of knights were sent out to the Threndel Empire as a political gesture to show support of the new Emperor. Myrrhis requested to be allowed to go, wishing to once more see the land that enchanted her as a Squire and aid their ailing ally, even if the City of Light had fallen years before then. For young Duke Adoren, sending her was a simple way to get out of going himself, his opinion of Threndel having soured over the years. For Myrrhis, it was likewise a golden opportunity to garner renown to her name, or perhaps even gain some land in the Empire for her service if the stars aligned exceptionally right. Myrrhis was sent to Yilaren, where she would work with the local garrison’s officers to train new soldiers for over two years. A surprise outcome of this arrangement was a squire, having taken a son of a prominent merchant under her wing in exchange for more funding for the garrison. She’s been summoned to Threll to give a report regarding a band of bandits, deserters from the city’s contingent preying on the traders leaving for the Empire’s other cities with crops or returning with money and other goods. [/hider]