"Davil. We talked for approximately eleven minutes in total." Chunji spoke after Davil's heartfelt words. "Two of the minutes consisted of me insulting your capabilities as a student," Then he started to list off all the times they talked. "Four minutes of discussion between Ms. Kyrios, Mr. Arillo, and me regarding your safety, to which I supported but also criticized Mr. Arillo for coddling you." The words of the Doctors were printed out as if they were hastened by magic. "Two minutes then allocated to when I performed first aid with Ms. Kyrios on you, and finally, the remaining time is spent on the now when our classmates started a fight with Professor Alto." Despite that, Chunji didn't seem winded by that analysis. "You may need to reassess your idea of friendship. I am not professionally trained in this area and don't know if the clinic is either. Talking to the counselor is the most efficient option to find help." If there was anything that Chunji took out of this conversation, he was slightly mildly concerned about how Davil perceived him as a friend. While he didn't have much basis for a friendship, Chunji knew that spending approximately eleven minutes with a peer did not equate to an immediate friendship. Davil had many more problems than just the personal barrier. Chunji's eyes lingered on the forming barrier that Davil materialized. It was trapped, as he said. The Doctor didn't know any words of advice he could offer to his classmate. Still, he tried his best. "I know little of those names as well," Chunji admitted to Davil. "Yet, I do not care for its name either; neither does it for mine own. As long as I acknowledge its existence and it acknowledges mine, I see no reason to know it." Chunji's eyes furrowed off to the side. His eyes detected movement. Blood started to rush into his body as he assessed the situation. "Though the time may come when I'll know its name. Eventually, it will come, just like how your barrier will flow out of our body like a breeze." This wasn't good; several enemies were approaching them from the treeline, along with the tumbling of trees. "泉源的慰安是猴泪眼的子. 11 日 9 月 1500 年" The bones and flesh in Davil's arms started to heal. It was as if the wound was undoing itself in a completely painless way. However, that was hardly his concern right now. Turning to face his opposition, he got up and stared at the looming threat. "Stand back, Davil. If you get caught, I have no guarantee for your survival." Drawing out his sword, he walked five feet forward. Chunji raised his sword and reflected the fake sun's rays before unveiling his scarred wrist. In a practiced move, Chunji slit his wrist. Blood poured profusely from the wound as he began his incantation. [b] 春天诅咒一切永恒绽放。 (Spring in eternally blooms curse this) 夏天净化地狱,天堂也随之净化。(Summer with it purify can hell nor heaven neither) 冬天将继续,它们可能在秋天形成任何东西。(Winter into continue they, take may they form whatever in) 秋天,河流流淌着罪恶。 (Fall the through flow sin of rivers) - 召唤大蛇莲 (Summoning Serpent Lotus Great) [/b] The blood pooled into a singular point and expanded beyond its origin. It encapsulated Chunji's feet and started extending towards the approaching ensemble. Every drop that touched the grass started to wilt away. The pool stopped once it reached halfway before a ripple shook through the lake. A muddy head slowly emerged out of the bloody pond. Its serpentine body slowly rose above, and its height reached the trees and stared at its summoner. The serpent was constantly rebuilding itself, its muddy body collapsing and rebuilding itself simultaneously. Petals were swathed within the serpent's body like scales, and they circulated akin to a blood vessel. The spawn of the Great God Lotus Serpent had manifested. [b] "攻击!"[/b] With a foreign word, the spawn immediately threw itself at the enemy. Its immense weight crashed through them and ran rampant amongst the crowd. Its petals cursed any that touched them. The weight of sin deteriorates and saps the water of life. Anything that touched them wilted like a flower. Chunji grew faint at the rampant loss of blood, though he did not falter at all. The moment he broke his concentration would be the moment the Spawn of the Great God Lotus Serpent turned around and killed him. He had done this many times before and was expected to perform it more times in the future. To falter was to die; one must persevere and strive forward to find redemption.