[quote]Pseudo-Daredevil hijinks at base sounds good. Don't overdo it though. Just so you know though, Oratorio's probably gonna fuck with her considering how concentrated the mortals are there compared to the environments she's been in before.[/quote] Yes boss, I've made some edits to the CS. Please lemme know how it looks now. I will relish torturing her a bit with the sensory overload.... [quote]For her Domain, it'd be good if you could tell me what kinda of following you'd imagine she'd be gathering up in the future. [/quote] The down-trodden, the one's kicked to the curb, the used and abused, the ones seeking revenge. Her personal goal is to track down and end those who did her and her family wrong, so it would make sense her following would be seeking power or revenge. Hm, should I make her passive more battle-centered so there's no overlap? Didn't realize Souls already had something similar set up. Might make more sense for her to have something power or revenge related anyways. I can tweak it, re-write it, just let me know! Also: The Power Gauntlet.