[center][h1][color=#F08080]Shinozaki Yurie[/color][/h1][/center] The glare-off continued. Yurie sure as shit wasn't letting this little armless freak think it had leeway to be an assclown and get away with it. What a little prick. [color=#F08080]"I'll stop when he does."[/color] [color=teal]"I'll stop when she does."[/color] Both human and Digimon responded to Melody's attempt at defusal simultaneously. Of course, this only made their glares intensify at each other. Marauder was forced to give in first when the BlackAgumonX next to him made his comment, shifting his stern gaze over to the lizard. [color=teal]"Other Gaossmon may be idiots. I'm not. If I was, I'd still be wasting away with them."[/color] He snapped, as Yurie took her small victory and looked at Yui and Kuro. [color=#F08080]"Wait, you're just cool with outright being named like that?"[/color] She asked the newly-christened Kuro, tilting her head. [color=#F08080]"Seems kinda, I dunno, degrading."[/color] Her eyes slowly shifted back over to the Gaossmon. [color=teal]"Don't even think about it. Not even if you Digivolved me."[/color] He said firmly. [color=teal]"My name is Marauder. THat won't be changing."[/color] [color=#F08080]"Sheesh, I just called it degrading. Calm your tits."[/color] Yurie held her hands up in mock surrender, completely glossing over the part where she had absolutely no problem doing it to him specifically. [color=#F08080]"Think you're trying too hard to sound cool, but that's your prerogative."[/color] [color=teal]"Tch."[/color] Marauder scoffed, turning his metaphorical nose at her before looking back to Kuro again. [color=teal]"You mentioned civilization. Lead the way. Perhaps the elders there would know how better to get power out of a human."[/color]