GLORY TO THE PEOPLE'S UNION OF KAER AND THE DEATHLESS CAUSE! Centuries ago, the Heroes of the Revolution overthrew a theocratic tyrant and rejected the burgeoning bourgeois states of their neigbhours, founding the Glorious Necrocommunist People's Union of Kaer. The Necromancers of the Central Party assumed power, reorganized the country as a proletarian military state, and set about correcting the flaws of the old ways with brutal, merciless efficiency. Famine was solved by raising the dead as farm workers, the growing bureaucratic overhead addressed by ghosts as clerks, and the risk of counter-revolutionary capitalist degeneracy halted by oversight of the Commissariat. Then the attentions of the Party turned towards the most immediate threat to the Revolution: the Vampire cult of neighbouring Kroms. The king, prior to his overthrow, had been a puppet of the bloodsuckers, and what kind of creature more perfectly embodies individualistic exploitation of the common man than a Vampire? Worse, a Vampire that calls itself a god? So began the long war against Kroms that turned the northern border into a nightmare landscape of artillery scars, magical fallout, and renegade bioweapons. After a century of fighting, you had pushed the fiends back to their Iron Citadel - a great black tower rising high into the sky, beneath which their foul Mother of Darkness slept in anticpation of her apocalyptic rebirth. To your shock and horror, the international community condemned you as genocides and demanded a halt to your proactive defense. They sent a foreign army of terrible power to crush your comrades and force an armistice. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Party acquiesced to this coercion. For a time. This imperialist oppression is not to be tolerated. A new plan is underway; a revision of doctrine and weaponry guided by the deathless science of Necro-Tavronism, to develop a means to challenge the international order and fight back against their repression, and to finally destroy the Vampires and their minions for good. You, brave comrades, are an experimental unit formed to test a new kind of weapon: Osteiodon - a necromechnical battle frame mounted with heavy weapons, able to traverse all terrain and adapt to changing battlefield conditions, protecting the pilot within its armoured shell, using bound ghosts to control subsystems and enhance the skills of the operator. Soon begins your deployment to a remote and secret base for training, testing, and practice maneouvres in the Dead Marches that divide your nation from the Kromsians. Be watchful, soldier - there is the enemy without, but also within; subfactions vying for control and prestige, infiltrators from outside, the constant threat of the secret police, and the pitiless gaze of the Commissar always sensitive to Reaction. ========================================== This is a game in the Darkening Skies setting. This RP will be for 4-6 players, outlined below. The mechanics are easy enough to learn, a dice-pool system that's simple to use but has mechanical depth if you want to engage with it. No prior experience with this game or tabletop games required. All skill levels welcome. One post a week is ideal, once a month is acceptable. No set post length - just post what you feel is necessary to move things along and satisfies you creatively. Our cast [b]must[/b] include: Two mech pilots. One Necromancer-engineer project lead. One Commissar. We can optionally fit: The Necromancer's protegé. One more pilot. An experimental Revenant Soldier - a ghost bound into a humanoid necrotech robotic body built for combat.