[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qSXKgkY.png[/img] [sub][@Nanaya][@Psyker Landshark][@Sifr][@Estylwen][/sub][/center] There was a struggle within that dome, while outside, it was clear that Instructor Alto had decided to reveal his own Ethos now. Otis could not see as Chunji had, but he could feel the change in the air nonetheless, the budding of a wildfire while trees tore themselves from the ground. Evolved to treants, they rampaged with a crushing desire, but were met by an equally monstrous creation in the form of a giant snake birthed from a bloody pond. Occult magic, nonsensical and rooted in folklore rather than centralized religion. So that was Chunji’s specialization, was it? Otis licked his lips, glancing towards how the trees withered and shrivelled at the Serpent’s touch, acknowledging the strain and focus upon its master’s visage. The dome still did not split. In total darkness, he had imagined that Ciara could have at least caused a discomfortable enough situation for their instructor to choose to retreat and reposition from, but he could feel the ambient heat building up against that earthen barrier he had laid overtop, the way the barrier of brambles writhed and shifted underneath, still active, still fighting. The Strigidae considered the situation. Considered how much he ought to reveal on the first day. Considered the pros and cons of the situation, how much further to push. Considered how much he could rely on the capabilities of Ciara and Iraleth, whether or not they could afford to wait much longer before whatever all this [i]heat[/i] built up to revealed itself. How much did he trust them? How much could he use them? [i]Iraleth, Ciara, force Alto near the center of the dome. We’ll break in if he won’t leave. Signal when he’s in place.[/i] That was his only message to the two combatants, before Otis wove essence around him, pulling at the threads of ‘air’ and ‘movement’ within him in order to manifest a levitation effect upon himself, Rio, and Chloe. [b]“Change of plans.”[/b] He spoke this time, checking his firearm’s bullets as the manipulated essence drew them all overtop the dome. [b]“I don’t trust that whatever’s approaching us from beyond the treeline is something we can handle while still beating Instructor Alto, so we need to end this immediately."[/b] A bullet was taken out, and a different bullet was slotted in, one with red casing, with ensorcelled inscriptions. [b]“Chloe, bolster up your Personal Barrier as much as possible. Rio, launch yourself downwards with her, body-blocking as much as possible. Take the Instructor’s sword arm and immobilize it; Chloe, do what you need with one touch. If it doesn’t work, then immediately surrender.”[/b] He pointed his gun downwards, ready to dismantle his Earthbind spell and fire an Anti-Material Shot to freeze, weaken, and then shatter the thorn barrier from overhead. [b]“We still have things to do after this. Let’s avoid joining Davil in the clinic.”[/b]