[quote=@Fading Memory] As someone who’s been reading a lot of Roman and Greek history lately, I’m cackling at Caesar being your comparison point. [/quote] Well, it's not called the Holy [i]Roman[/i] Empire for nothin'... even though the people aren't even Romans, at least the Byzantines are still Romans by nationality even though they're culturally Greek lol, close enough. [quote=@The Savant] French revolutions are definitely WAY different than others, especially what Millie has in mind. If anything happens with France in the future, Alpheus might end up being nicknamed the "Red King" because he might lead the bloodiest revolution towards the royal family in France depending on how character development goes and if his family gets worse. Which I doubt they will get better, but god said we need to have faith in the ones we love. Alpheus just struggles with having any faith in the future of the French royalty every single day. If slaughtering his whole family, extended and close, meant the people of France would prosper. Alpheus will see to it. I imagine France is in ruins in the sense that the majority of their people are currently in poverty, starving, homeless, etc... While the royal family gets to sit in their pretty and pristine estate behind safety from guards and iron-rodded fences. Though he doesn't care about the royalty at all. He cares about the people. [/quote] Oh I see, well, then (Future) Kaiserin Karmilla "Millie" von Feuerstein will [i]definitely[/i] be involved in that. So when the smoke clears (and her hands are still technically clean since it'd be Alfi who does all the killing), King Alpheus "Alfi" Pleiades Hoel can kiss her ring finger and swear allegiance to her. After all, it's for the people, right? [quote=@HylianRose] Perfect! I'm fine with those being part of the HRE. Let me know if the HRE has any beef with any of the surrounding countries. [/quote] Considering everything I've discussed with Savant, I'd say the HRE has always wanted vassalize France because in the long past (8th Century), they used to be under one banner, the Frankish Empire ruled by the legendary Emperor Charlemagne the Great. [quote=@HylianRose] Also, I'm getting hella Fire Emblem: Three Houses vibes from this, specifically Edelgard. And daaaamn these kids scary. [/quote] [quote=@The Savant] Alpheus going on a murderous rampage for the royal family. Pran: Look at what you are doing to your family! You just killed your cousin to get to the throne. Alpheus: I can't see any of this, so I know it won't haunt my dreams. Alpheus proceeds to kill his dad. ~ Alpheus should always stay in a good mood because he can be a very dark character. [/quote] I find it hilarious ironic that even though Millie is more "Edelgardy" by looks and personality, it's actually Alfi who fits the FE character's backstory and methods. [quote=@Kero] This is gonna get real awkward when the american runefencer that came here for spying and learning secrets shows up... [/quote] Or he/she/they could go, "Eh, just the Euros and their petty politics, nothing new."